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  1. #1

    Default w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    Which is the better MOBO?

    Asus P5K-SE P35


    Gigabyte GAP35-DS3R P35

    for... a processor E6750 or if got extra Q6600.


  2. #2

    Default Re: w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    MSI Mobo can detect 4GB up to 8 GB ( 2GB each memory module its already out-of-the-market)

    but you have to check the specifications first before you buy it.

    Go for MSI.

  3. #3

    Default Re: w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    tnx.. MSI good for OC? Compatible for both XP and VIsta?

  4. #4

    Default Re: w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    Vista? yes.
    XP? and OC? ... maybe, it depends of the model mobo

    Try to check there website for more information @

  5. #5

    Default Re: w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    Quote Originally Posted by cebu0828
    tnx.. MSI good for OC? Compatible for both XP and VIsta?
    for OCing? - yes!

    Quote Originally Posted by IT
    Vista? yes.
    XP? and OC? ... maybe, it depends of the model mobo

    Try to check there website for more information @ for asia kay kung sa USA ka na msi, some of the models are not listed on that website.

  6. #6
    Elite Member parts's Avatar
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    Default Re: w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    hehehe...yeeeeehhheeeyyy!!!!nindot jd diay ang MSI...timing jd au nga mao akong napalit..hehehe....

  7. #7

    Default Re: w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    @cebu0828: imho, you can get either board (you can even select from more brands/models). if you compare boards with the same chipset, chances are performance will be almost equal. the difference will be on what the manufacturers target the product (e.g. for mainstream- or enthusiast-level user). the higher the target is, the more features they place on the board (and yes, the more expensive it becomes). i'd suggest doing a search on the net and make a comparison based on what features you need. also check what is available (locally or via on-line stores).

    also, on OC-ing, there are other factors to consider aside from board and processor. and what others on the net say may or may not apply to you (as the saying goes, "your mileage may vary").

  8. #8

    Default Re: w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    more on practical issues about the product you want to buy. Depende mo pili ka asa barato or mahal.

  9. #9

    Default Re: w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    as a brand, ok ra man pareho nang asus, gigabyte, & msi bro..

  10. #10

    Default Re: w/c is the better MOBO? ASUS or GIGA

    thnx mga ka istoryans... mao mao ra mannion sila.. check sad nako unsay available...

  11.    Advertisement

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