Originally Posted by kenart
This might be brutal, this what you should do.....I-siyagit dyud; "Na-ay Ga L#-L# diri!!! My sister done that before @ Belvic Theater. Ni-hawa, na Bad-trip & he went Limp
Originally Posted by kenart
This might be brutal, this what you should do.....I-siyagit dyud; "Na-ay Ga L#-L# diri!!! My sister done that before @ Belvic Theater. Ni-hawa, na Bad-trip & he went Limp
reluctance on the part of the victims might in a way encourage these perverts.. can't blame them though.. the fear of depersonalizing and humiliating institutional procedures and interpersonal hassles..court proceedings and examinations that normally expose victims and their families to great embarrassment and social censure.. the mere fact that one has been sexually molested places a stigma on the victim despite the fact that she was unwillingly violated.. in effect, there was less social repercussions on the perpetrator who has been acquitted than there were on the victim herself regardless of the final outcome of the case..
the court seems to display insensitivity to gender and child issues as shown in the language and manner of interrogation..
these people have problems and need help too - i think. i wonder what could've caused them to behave in such a way. di na lang gyud mapugngan?
OMG! What has the world become?
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Legalize prostitution.
Fresh meat for all, so prowlers wont have to hide.
They really need help at the matter. Who in the right mind would do that?Originally Posted by Luthienne
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nobody in their right mind indeed.
out of curiosity this is what i found.
Female sexual assault
Myth: Men sexually assault women because they cannot control their sexual urges
Fact: Sexual assaults are violent crimes committed by men who want to dominate and degrade women.
Myth: Women secretly want to be sexually assaulted
Fact: Women do NOT want to be assaulted. Sexual assault is a traumatic, painful, and fearful experience
Myth: "Nice" girls DO NOT usually get sexually assaulted.
Fact: Women of all ages, cultural backgrounds, social classes, and of all sexual lifestyles are equally likely to become victims of sexual assault.
Myth: Women who are sexually assaulted "asked for it" by the way they dress or act.
Fact: The notion that women "ask for it" is a classic way to displace the blame from the offender to the victim. If a woman is sexually assaulted, it is NOT their fault. A woman NEVER "asks" or deserves to be sexually assaulted regardless of how they dress or act.
Myth: Women are sexually assaulted by ***-crazed strangers while they are alone in a dark alley or deserted places.
Fact: 80% of sexual assaults occur in the home and 49% occur in broad daylight. Most sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows and trusts, for example a family member, friend or casual acquaintance.
so it's not that those men couldn't control their urges. it's because they want to dominate women. it's worse than i thought.
Hehehehe another one !!!
Man caught doing immoral acts dies after collapsing
by Ryan P. Borinaga
June 29, 2005
Unless an autopsy will be made, the cause of the death of a man who was caught allegedly masturbating at the Plaza Independencia yesterday morning could not be ascertained.
Homicide investigators wondered why Noel Ycong of Lapu-Lapu City died after collapsing while running away due to shame after being caught masturbating by storeowner Virginia Baquiel at a secluded area of the park.
People in the area called the Emergency Rescue Unit Foundation for assistance, but responding ERUF personnel failed to save Ycong.
Homicide investigator Zenaido Pastorfide said Ycong’s body, which was brought to San Fernando Funeral Homes, bore no external injuries that would indicate foul play.
Pastorfide said they learned that Ycong was an errand boy at the Bureau of Customs.
" A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America
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