Guys, i need your expertise here!!! How does ram affect pc performance? and how bout processor?
What should be best boost up, Ram or Processor?![]()
Guys, i need your expertise here!!! How does ram affect pc performance? and how bout processor?
What should be best boost up, Ram or Processor?![]()
kung gamai ra ka ug ram and you are running multiple programs then your OS will start "paging" that is using your hdisk as storage kai wala naman sya magamit nga ram so mo sloooow down imo system.
on cpu vs. ram boost: kung dili cpu intensive imo apps, like type ra ka mga docs/surf sa net, then you don't need that much cpu power. but if you are into video editing/games etc the more cpu/more ram...much better.
korekoks....Originally Posted by simoko
bro..mas nindot kng dako ang duha both of them are important man jd...
personally, i'd get the fastest (multi-core) processor i can afford and pair it with some ram that can run at 1:1 ratio with the FSB. e.g., for a q6600 running at 400mhz fsb (thats 3.2ghz with an 8x multiplier), ddr2-800 ram would be a minimum.
more ram will let you run more apps without disk swapping (saving inactive memory pages to disk so it can be freed for other active apps to use, then re-loading it back to ram when needed).
fast processor will let you do things faster up to a certain point as this depends on other subsystems as well, e.g. disk, ram. having a very fast processor with slow disk or ram will only starve the processor of data. kung sa buffer pa, sige ug underrun; processor will always be in a state where it is waiting for its data.
there are also multi-core processors let you do more at any given time compared to single-core processors IF the OS or apps are built to take advantage of the other cores (e.g. true multi-threaded OS and apps).
another thing to consider is how wide data is natively processed by the processor (32-bit vs. 64-bit); OS support should also be considered... running 32-bit OS on 64-bit capable hardware isn't using your hardware at its optimum.
for upgrades, try to set your next upgrade such that you'll still be happy with what you have after 2 years. getting inexpensive parts doesn't always pay off in the long run.
basta dako lang memory... fighter wine na..
Mas nindot jud kung cla duha same nga high ky mg sirit sirit imu computer.
RAM. it its king because it is the fastest and temporary way to access data really fast compared to the hard drive.
i have vista home premium. 1gb 20-30 seconds start up
2gb 10-15 seconds start up
toally awesome
sirit-sirit ....
Bill Gates once slept with a computer so its possible.Originally Posted by IT
agree ko with simoko & blade. if you already have a pc, the simplest way to check if you would benefit more from a ram or a processor upgrade is by displaying the "Processes" tab in the task manager. if you regularly have a high cpu usage then it would be best if you get a faster one, while if the total mem usage (commit charge) is almost reaching the your total physical memory (and not the number provided by "commit charge" because that is the physical memory + virtual memory) then you would benefit most with an increase in ram.
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