View Poll Results: Unsa inyo mga bengbengs??

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  • All China Made

    8 25.00%
  • All China Made (modified)

    8 25.00%
  • Springer

    0 0%
  • Tokyo Marui

    10 31.25%
  • others (hehehe)

    6 18.75%
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Results 931 to 940 of 2202
  1. #931

    Default ACM Airsoft

    Mao ni buy ko silicone spray hehehe dali ra man kaau mo uga hehehe bahala medyo mahala mahal gamay pro dugay man sad mahurot and medyo mo taas gamay life span sa ato aeg lisod nah wala pa raba baligya gears heheheh

    by the way fafa [DSX] mao ni link sa tactical googles ako gi ingon hehe nindot mura sad sa swat nya barato

  2. #932

    Default ACM Airsoft

    silicon spray gyud ang gamita.. then spray it sa loading chamber bara mo danlog, its also much better to spray your bb's with silicon spray

  3. #933

    Default Airsoft Enthusiasts

    What time ang dula ugma sa family park? i want to try out my baby...

  4. #934

    Default ACM Airsoft

    Quote Originally Posted by grss1982
    Quote Originally Posted by chanbri
    @daxc ans dsx: bro, ang ako gpangita ma ni. This is the CYMA p799 Shotgun
    What is found in country mall is the CYMA p788 or M3 shotgun. Also mahal ra sa countrymall. Mangita ko mas barato. This is around 300 lang daw.
    A bit of here, but i wanted to ask you chanbri, does the shotgun shoot multiple pellets like the real shotgun or does it shoot just one pellet and reloads for another pelet using the pumping action? hope u understood that one (libog ra kaayo ko mo-ISTORYA usahay )

    sorry jus could'ne help my self.

    bro, one pellet at a time ra.

  5. #935

    Default ACM Airsoft

    @ chanbri: Naa naka palit sa manila kadto naay scope na shotgun ug laser tag 350 daw na try nimu tan aw sa asheng chanbri? basin naa didto.. maski 500 mo buy ko ato hehehe nice kaau.. adto ko ugma hehe maau na lang naa ko springer :P by the way dawat nako imo txt wala nako load.. hehe dli nako ka reply ayt.. after lunch naa nako sa ayala anah work man ko kitakits lang nya.. yep txtsan ta sad ka if naa ko makit an na shot gun na naay scope ug laser..

  6. #936

    Default Airsoft Enthusiasts

    posted b4 by BBB. saturday games 1pm at fampark

  7. #937

    Default ACM Airsoft

    naa baligya si uragon.. ad2 lang sa ACM cebu forums

  8. #938

    Default Airsoft Enthusiasts

    ok where dapit sa family park?? naa libre charging ?? wala ra na na full charge ako gun... kay wala pa ko charger

  9. #939

    Default ACM Airsoft

    @tikboy: lagi,bro tag-350 ra to sa manila. CYMA ang brand. I dont know uns abrand to kang uragon. ako lang to tan-awun ig sunday kay iya man daw dahun. kung wala jud lain, kato nlang iya. Murag wala sa Asheng. Niadto ganha si Lenuel (Viper) nya ang naa ang tag-100 ra na shotgun.. nindut to katong CYMA na ako gpangita kay murag pang sniper. long iya stock ug naa na railing para Tasco. palit lang ka functional na tasco, fyter na! Kanang mga shotgun nga short stock, pang CQB kayu ug dating gud.

  10. #940

    Default ACM Airsoft

    yup mao gyud... di na diay mo ganahan ug AEG?

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