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Thread: Java or .Net?

  1. #21

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    In this case bro, it depends on the virtual machine implementation kay mao mani ang mo interpret ug mo execute sa byte codes. In java, again there is freedom of choice, there are so many virtual machines available to choose from. In .net, you only have VMs from microsoft and I supposed another one from the Mono guys.
    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    ive always wonder kong kinsai mas paspas mo execute let say same program same line of codes. kinsa mas paspas mo execute .net or java?. any ideas?.
    This is subjective. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. C# source codes, which is a prominent .Net prog lang looks the same as Java.
    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    ang di nako gusto sa java iyang file structuring. samokan ko hehehe.
    Open Office is java and since its java, it runs on many OS and its free. Its document format is OpenDocument file format (also known as ODF) while Microsofts format is Office Open XML, so Open office is really different from MS Office.
    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    i guest in due time ila rana i release ang implementation sa .net framework. parihas ato ilang office (Excel,word) ila man to ge release. mao to daghan tao naka himo og "office like apps" like open office. and all those hardcore Readers/writers.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    .Net has its strength and advantages. I even admit that C# is better than Java. Yet we all know where C# was patterned from.

    You see, this is what MS is doing. They pirate top programmers like this guy who created C# is also the same guy from Borland who created Delphi. They look at what's the top technology out there and make their own version. But of course who can blame Bill Gates. It's his business and his strategy.

    But what about ethics huh? It's as if he's controlling the oil. Yeah, if he was in a different field, he'd be striving to control the oil.

    Fortunately, there are others who are willing to provide us with choices and eliminate monopoly. We should be grateful to these people. And the least thing we can do is to support it.

    I'm not saying, don't use MS technologies. I'm saying that we shouldn't lock ourselves with them.

    But oh wait... that's hard to do once you get involved with MS technologies. Coz you're already locked in! Too bad...

    Sorry mga bro. I'm just really against monopoly.

    Peace! :mrgreen:

  3. #23

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    erm... according to mono supported naman daw ang generics bro.
    Dili pa gihapon siya supported. I've tried compiling Mono source codes with generics on my Ubuntu 7.10 still it will generate an error message. Mao ni ang iyang message : "The type or namespace name `Generic' does not exist in the namespace `System.Collections'. Are you missing an assembly reference?" I've tried to look sa API (using MonoDevelop) wala man ang Generic namespace.

    Can you give links on how to compile/build Mono with generics?

    Still .NET is not yet build once run anywhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    i guest in due time ila rana i release ang implementation sa .net framework. parihas ato ilang office (Excel,word) ila man to ge release. mao to daghan tao naka himo og "office like apps" like open office. and all those hardcore Readers/writers.
    Imong pasabot ana is ang Open XML(OXML)? If yes, wala man na nag-copya ang Open Office or any docs reader and writer. In fact, mao ang counterpart sa Open Document Format(ODF) which is ang Open Office ang nag-propose ana.

    Lastly, I think ang Microsoft ni copya ra pud sa Word Perfect and Lotus 123 specifications.

    Quote Originally Posted by bcasabee
    This is subjective. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. C# source codes, which is a prominent .Net prog lang looks the same as Java.
    Sakto gyud.

    Kung Java programmer then mo tan-aw ka sa C# codes and .NET packages/namespaces. More or less they are the same.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    Sa tinood as a programmer la kay pilion nga languages kay naa na cla advantages og disadvantages ang imong huna-hunaon kay unsa nga language ang angay ana nga project kay kng usa ra ka language imo masteron unya hinay diay na cya ana nga project dli ma gnahan ang client ana.

    Sa ako trabahoan ang mga experts og mga consultant dri ni ingon nga dli na ma tawag og programmer kng usa ra ka language ang imong gi master dapat as a programmer khibaw ka kng unsa nga langauage ang angay ana nga project.

    Karon gani java pko kay mao man best sa amo gi himo nga project kron pero sunod kuno nga project c# nasad. Dapat flexible gyud ka.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    I choose the lesser evil. JAVA.

    Both has a VERY LARGE framework to download in order to run the apps. Both are interpreted and slow.
    What I would choose to develop portable apps is use C/C++ and use POSIX standard and multi-platform framework/classes such as wxwindows.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    @eax, bro naa ra diri.

    Imong pasabot ana is ang Open XML(OXML)? If yes, wala man na nag-copya ang Open Office or any docs reader and writer. In fact, mao ang counterpart sa Open Document Format(ODF) which is ang Open Office ang nag-propose ana.
    i was reffering to the reading and writing in Office format.

    Lastly, I think ang Microsoft ni copya ra pud sa Word Perfect and Lotus 123 specifications.
    yeah everyone is a copy of something else. jus tike java copied some on c++ stuff.

    Kung Java programmer then mo tan-aw ka sa C# codes and .NET packages/namespaces. More or less they are the same.

    yep parihas rajud lahi lang mga words sa uban.. mas nindot lang jud .net heheh labi na ilang mga getters setters, choi kaau.. di ko sure if naa ang java ani ?.

    public int Width
    get{retrun m_width;}
    pwede ba sa java mo butang og variable bisan asa part sa class like?. naa pajud unsafe option ang c# para sa mga hardcore c++ programmers

    int t;
    int t2;

  7. #27

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    @eax, bro naa ra diri.
    i was reffering to the reading and writing in Office format.
    yeah everyone is a copy of something else. jus tike java copied some on c++ stuff.
    I think ang Office format is nag-based na sila sa WordPerfect format.

    Ni copy ang Java sa C++ kay tungod man pud sa mga shortcomings sa C++ like memory leaks, pointers, multiple inheritance. At least, ang Java nihatag man pud ug credits sa C++. In fact ang C++ codes can be integrated sa Java by using Java Native Interface(JNI).

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    @eax, bro naa ra diri.
    i was reffering to the reading and writing in Office format.
    yeah everyone is a copy of something else. jus tike java copied some on c++ stuff.

    Kung Java programmer then mo tan-aw ka sa C# codes and .NET packages/namespaces. More or less they are the same.

    pwede ba sa java mo butang og variable bisan asa part sa class like?. naa pajud unsafe option ang c# para sa mga hardcore c++ programmers

    int t;
    int t2;
    Puwede man pud na mabuhat sa Java ang mga in-ana. Mao bitaw gitawag ang C/C++,Java,C# ug free-form programming language kay puwede nimo magbutang bisag-asa sa code nimo. Lastly, dili man pud na siya advisable ang mga variables ikatag sa codes.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    Quote Originally Posted by silent-kill
    ive always wonder kong kinsai mas paspas mo execute let say same program same line of codes. kinsa mas paspas mo execute .net or java?. any ideas?.
    Actually, ang Java is dili man ang speed ilang gi-apas ang porability man sa language on different platform and OS.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    java here..

  10. #30

    Default Re: Java or .Net?

    C# and .net are two different things. C# is the prog language and .net is a platform for blah blah blahs. I don't like .net but that doesn't mean I don't like C#. You use C# to create applications which will run on top of DotNet platform.

    The competitor of .net is JEE or java enterprise edition.

    Java and JEE are also two different things. Java is the prog language while JEE is also a platform for blah blah blahs. You use Java to create applications which will run on top of the JEE platform.

    I like java, c# and c++, not because of super cool syntax source code constructs but because those are OOP languages.

    Between JEE and DotNet, JEE is more favorable for me since sa ako nang giingon, your free as the wind not only for the developers but for the customers as well.

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