1) study core java.
2) practice using java.lang, java.util, java.io, java.text and java.sql classes
murag DONE
3) practice connecting to database using jdbc/java*.sql api; you should familiar with sql.
I just know this in theory but I can use my book for reference lang.
4) study servlet; download tomcat as a web container
Jboss, Tomcat, glassfish, Sun App Server, Oracle AS 10g. I wasn't always a developer you know. ![Wink](images/smilies/wink.png)
5) practice jsp; then understand how to do MVC using jsp and servlet.
6) Be a hard core in SQL; sirko-balentong sa joins and sql operations
Sos MASTER kaayo ni nako!
7) play around with struts, connecting to database using jdbc using connection pooling
Wa pa kaayo ko naka apply ani but I understand the concept
then play around with hibernate; understand what does it do
9) play around spring; memorize inversion of control and dependency injection patterns
10) Repeat 1 to 9 until you you can create a blogger web app using tomcat/hibernate/struts/mysql. The time line of this endeavor depends on your IQ and patience. So kugi lang ang secreto and eat plenty of protein and vegetables.
Yo forgot to add the fact that each time you keep doing this, the development time should continue to decrease as you gain better knowledge.
11) once you have mastered them, update your resume, ace the interview, and ask not less than 60k/month. If you're veteran programmer, it's easy to get 80k.