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  1. #1681

    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    nag sunod nga power makuha ni peter...!! kai ma bayot siya.. nya mag biga biga siya sa uban heroes... nya mamatay ang uban sa ka lo-ud ni peter..!! wow wat a power...!!

  2. #1682
    C.I.A. lana21's Avatar
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    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    Quote Originally Posted by rAnzter
    nag sunod nga power makuha ni peter...!! kai ma bayot siya.. nya mag biga biga siya sa uban heroes... nya mamatay ang uban sa ka lo-ud ni peter..!! wow wat a power...!!

  3. #1683

    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    way klaro na dah.

  4. #1684

    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    Mga equivalent sa heroes sa X-men:

    Nikki/Jessica - Jean Grey/Phoenix
    Nathan Petrelli - Superman (aw di mani xa X-men; basta labot na tanan Marvel,DC,Comics)
    Mat Parkman ug si Molly - Profesor X
    Mama ni Claire - Pyro
    Katong black copycat girl - Catwoman
    Hiro Nakamura - Time Machine (katong sa movie)
    Mohinder Suresh - Beast (katong blue sa x-men)

    Pun-i pa ninyo guys...kung ganahan mo

  5. #1685

    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    Quote Originally Posted by datatraveler2gb

    Pun-i pa ninyo guys...kung ganahan mo

    claire and takenzo - wolverine

  6. #1686

    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    syler= professor x ug jean gray..!

    old fat lady.. who can hear miles away = Dare devel

    katong mo change2x ang iyang face sa season 1 = si mistik <-sakto ba ang spelling?? haha

  7. #1687

    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    mystique actually
    and dont expect this series sa january mga bro ug sis, maybe around june or july if the strike ends early next year, if dili hala sige pag ysabela ug marimar sa mo

  8. #1688

    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    mao moa.. may gani sugo ng maging sino ka man

  9. #1689
    C.I.A. lana21's Avatar
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    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    Quote Originally Posted by datatraveler2gb
    Mga equivalent sa heroes sa X-men:

    Nikki/Jessica - Jean Grey/Phoenix
    Nathan Petrelli - Superman (aw di mani xa X-men; basta labot na tanan Marvel,DC,Comics)
    Mat Parkman ug si Molly - Profesor X
    Mama ni Claire - Pyro
    Katong black copycat girl - Catwoman
    Hiro Nakamura - Time Machine (katong sa movie)
    Mohinder Suresh - Beast (katong blue sa x-men)

    Pun-i pa ninyo guys...kung ganahan mo

    i dont think si nikki kay same with jean grey/phoenix

    si colossus hinuon same cya with nikki
    and nathan can only fly....he cant do all the things superman can do
    and monica the copy cat girl is not same with cat woman

  10. #1690

    Default Re: HEROES (US TV Series)

    Similarities to Marvel's fave mutant force X-men characters in terms of powers or circumstances:

    Matt = Prof X
    Matt's dad = Hellfire club's Mastermind
    Molly = Cerebro (there was also another mutant that was Storm's nemesis in X3 that can also track other mutants cant remembr her code name; Callisto ba to cya?)
    Nikki/Jessica = Jean Grey/Phoenix (dual personalities aspect lang)
    Nathan = Archangel (orig lang kay the new blue faced Angel is modified)
    Monica (copy cat) = Mimic -an original X-men member who can duplicate powers but was expelled; There is also CopyCat in X-Force
    DL = Shadow Cat/ Kitty Pryde
    Claire / Kensei = Wolverine
    Hiro = Cable
    Peter = Rogue
    Elle = Storm (without the weather manipulation thingy)
    Mica = Forge (well somewhat...)

    Sylar seems like an original concept but I find some similarities to Psylocke - his brain cutting skills and her psychic knife

    Tha shape-shifter (can't remember her name but was killed by Sylar at the start of the last season) = Mystique / Changeling

    but my fave
    Bus driver = Stan Lee

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