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  1. #61

    Default Gays and Lesbians in Churches

    Quote Originally Posted by Nonon
    you were asking me to give you something specific from the church's history....i gave you one are saying that i'm a "priest hater"??...did i ever said something to discredit your character??...i think not
    Whoa! What ever give you that idea?! From your posts, you seem to think that priest are in a disadvantage if they are given a 'less convenient' parish; and I told you that their vocation is not to find the best job but to find where they can be of service.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nonon
    i find your words rather offending!!!
    I find your words offending. You conclude where that conclusion is not warranted.

    Quote Originally Posted by Nonon
    this is a forum...everyone is entitled to express his/her opinion freely...

    if there is something you didn't like about what i'm posting...tell me in a respectable manner...don't implicate something which is not true...

    you know lots of things...and i respect that....

    but there is something you need to learn...

    that is...

    Respect for one's opinion does not stop the other from disagreeing with it. In fact, it is a sign of respect that your opinion is being considered by the other person.

    Now, point to me the words/phrase in my post that show disrespect to you. If you don't like my opinion, tell me in a respectful manner. Don't implicate something that is not true. I am using your words here, and this is my way of saying that we both need to consider our words.

    'Til then.

  2. #62
    Amahan ni Erlinda potterboy's Avatar
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    Default Gays and Lesbians in Churches

    pls. stick to the topic guys. THANK YOU Sitewide Forum Rules
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    The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.

  3. #63

    Default Gays and Lesbians in Churches

    As religeous leaders , MORAL VALUES are very much inclined to it . Where is the moral of HOMOSEXUALITY itself ? One of the teachings of the catholic according to the bible is " go and multiply " , how can homosexuals multiply ? Hehehe though a very big question is the " GAYS and LESBIANS are not born but made but how come they themselves keep on multiplying . Bwahahahahaha !!
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  4. #64

    Default Re: Gays and Lesbians in Churches

    Quote Originally Posted by potterboy
    should the church allow gays and lesbians to be ordained as priests and/or nuns?


    pro's and con's... shell out what u think.
    i think this is a very big question of Morality..pagkaimmoral....the big answer is NO...i wud rather say no than yes...why? coz 8 wud never happend...the church...especially the roman catholic church is a very closed minded religion...they can't accept such flawzzz...(though the religion itself have their share of it...)...i will better build mah own church then recruit lesbians and gays to manage it...heheheheh...Morality for the RC religion has a different level of dominion...a very touchy thingy...hmmmnnn...

  5. #65

    Default Gays and Lesbians in Churches



    I have to know what you really mean about being 'very close-minded' of the Catholic Church. If sticking to the truth is being close-minded, then I would rather have a church like that. If obedience to the will of its founder is being close-minded, then - again - I would rather be on that church. If not being swayed by every other opinion and whim is being close-minded, then I thank God that I am with that Church. But, then again, you may have a different idea about being close-minded. I want to know.

    The Catholic Church 'admits that the moral law is knowable to reason: for the due regulation of our free actions, in which morality consists, is simply their right ordering with a view to the perfecting of our rational nature. But she insists that the law has its ultimate obligation in the will of the Creator by whom our nature was fashioned, and who imposes on us its right ordering as a duty; and that its ultimate sanction is the loss of God which its violation must entail. Further, among the duties which the moral law prescribes are some which are directly concerned with God Himself, and as such are of supreme importance. Where morality is divorced from religion, reason will, it is true, enable a man to recognize to a large extent the ideal to which his nature points. But much will be wanting. He will disregard some of his most essential duties. He will, further, be destitute of the strong motives for obedience to the law afforded by the sense of obligation to God and the knowledge of the tremendous sanction attached to its neglect -- motives which experience has proved to be necessary as a safeguard against the influence of the passions. And, finally, his actions even if in accordance with the moral law, will be based not on the obligation imposed by the Divine will, but on considerations of human dignity and on the good of human society. Such motives, however, cannot present themselves as, strictly speaking, obligatory. But where the motive of obligation is wanting, acting lacks an element essential to true morality. Moreover, in this connection the Church insists upon the doctrine of original sin. She teaches that in our present state there is a certain obscurity in reason's vision of the moral law, together with a morbid craving for independence impelling us to transgress it, and a lack of complete control over the passions; and that by reason of this inherited taint, man, unless supported by Divine aid, is unable to observe the moral law for any length of time' (taken from New Advent Online Encyclopedia). You can read more about this article by clicking the link provided. The article distinguished between morality and ethics.

  6. #66

    Default Gays and Lesbians in Churches

    Quote Originally Posted by dacs

    Respect for one's opinion does not stop the other from disagreeing with it. In fact, it is a sign of respect that your opinion is being considered by the other person.

    Now, point to me the words/phrase in my post that show disrespect to you. If you don't like my opinion, tell me in a respectful manner. Don't implicate something that is not true. I am using your words here, and this is my way of saying that we both need to consider our words.

    'Til then.

    point taken bai...

    sorry if i offended you in any wasn't suppose to be that way....

    sometimes it gets the better of us...

  7. #67

    Default Gays and Lesbians in Churches

    for eve is para ni adan and adan is para ni eva
    so, boy should be sa girl

  8. #68

    Default Re: Gays and Lesbians in Churches

    Quote Originally Posted by potterboy
    the church...especially the roman catholic church is a very closed minded religion
    Let's examine what being closed-minded is. There's no term in the Merriam-Webster dictionary, but since you imply it is a negtive thing, it probably means that a group that is closed-minded is not willing to consider new things.

    That is NOT true of the Catholic Church. It DOES consider new things. Being willing to consider something is NOT the same as accepting it as true or valid. If that were not the case, then anyone who rejects mass murder or racism is also being closed-minded. That is ABSURD.

    The Church is NOT closed-minded. It has certain beliefs because it can PROVE that such beliefs are valid. It rejects certain lifestyles because it can PROVE that they are wrong. The Catholic Church is being REASONABLE.

    In fact, those who argue that the Church must simply accept any lifestyle are the ones being close-minded. They refuse to accept that others can valdly hold and prove beliefs contrary to their own.

  9. #69

    Default Gays and Lesbians in Churches

    being a gay is not a sin..... but doing those "gay stuffs" like relationship with the same ***, wearing women's clothings, etc...... are the bad things.......

    but im not a gay huh.......

  10. #70

    Default Gays and Lesbians in Churches

    i think this forum gives a bad image to the lesbian community. i think we should not make lesbians talk in this kind of conversation. this is because we are giving them bad imppression to thier part. i believe that lesbians should always be lesbians because as the rule of God stated that there are only two persons living in these world. Lesbians are lesbians...they have thier own world to tackle with...mora gud na cla ug alien sa kalibutan gud....hehehehehehe!!!! peace out!

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