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China will not invade the Philippine mainland, they only care about Taiwan. besides, arent you sick of US world domination? If push came to shove i would personally support the Chinese. The US dosent care about us, we dont prodivde them the same economic benefits of a Japan, South Korea, Iraq etc.. The only reason they would contemplate defending us is because they see China as a competitor to America's superpower status. In fact, allying with the United States is more likely to get us in a fight with China then vice versa
We are not sick and tired of US dominating in the world , we are after of being a country with a 100 % support from the US in terms of livelihood and economy . We dont need to be an ally for we are one already . Japan , S Korea , Iraq neither provided benefits to the US but the US molded on what they are today .
Japan is America's #1 trading partner i believe, or #2, Korea is up there as well, and Iraq.. its obvious, they have oil. We do not give US anything they want. I guess the difference between the Filipinos and say for example the Chinese is that we have no pride at all, in fact our public cant help but love the US too much