[color=navy]On purpose I woke up early this morning and took my time going to work. I went on a three-jeepney ride from my residence in Mactan to my office in Mandaue, while doing so I kept my ears open and listened.
In one jeepney I sat up front in between the jeepney driver and someone who seemed to be his friend. They were chatting about another jeepney driver who’s experiencing some mechanical problems with the jeepney he’s franchising.
In another ride, I sat close to some women fishmongers bringing their catches of shellfish and seaweed to the Ramos wet market. They talked about their families and gossiped about their fellow stall-holders in the seafood sections of the wet market.
Waiting for the third ride to work, I stood by a newspaper stand, reading the headlines today and bought my own copy of today's Sun.Star. There was a group of young men near by,
mga istambay sa daan, and I listened as they shared jokes and laughed about what they caught up with their textmates last night.
I ate an early breakfast at a corner carinderia, people always talk while they eat. Old men, young men, construction workers, clerks, security guards always frequent here and they flirt with the girl helpers as the woman cook does about her dishes in the open back kitchen.
[b]I listened and heard
nothing about Trillianes, Guingona, of the siege that happened at the Peninsula. Apparently the actions of the reckless Trillianes and his Magdalo group yesterday made no impact and impression on the minds and lives of the people around me.
Nothing worth talking about.