hi there! please check out the Models' Association of Cebu (MAC) Holiday BAzaar happening at ayala center this nove 23-25 mall hours. Its at the second level entertainment center. Area near rairai ken and kublai khan
this is a fundraising event for the three charitable institutons that MAC supports: Happy Horizons children's ranch, Sto nino children's HOme and Seven Siters house of Mercy. There will be booths selling RTW, accessories, baked goods and more. Also some collections of Cebu's designers and some pre-loved items of the Members of MAC.
For those who want to have the first hand pick of the items for sale, u can buy tickets for onlt PHP50. first day is exclusive to those with tickets whilet he remaining days for everybody who will pledge any amount for the charities.
The Bazaar will also feature a mini fashion show and models will personally man the registrationa nd the booths. fpr those interseted to get ticket please text 09273716020 or 09229474311