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  1. #21

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    Quote Originally Posted by weezur
    d man sguro ka maka max out settings sa heavy games in 1400x900 res kng sub 10k ra imu video card, except if it was a 8800 GT or its new ATI rival...
    even if maka reach ka ug 1440x900 res, mukamang na ang imong rig basta dili 8800gts and above imong video card. kamang man gani ang 8800gts nako w/ that res then medium settings.

    btw. higher res means you need a higher MB sa video card.

  2. #22
    C.I.A. Platinum Member carmicael's Avatar
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    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    Quote Originally Posted by tokidoki
    i don't buy vidcards above 15k. :P hehehe...

    But kanang uban reasonable stuff nana. thanks.

    What do you mean "real x16 SLi"?

    I also don't do OC'ing bai. I only do stuff like that if wala koi lingaw. hehehe... I usually roll it back when I'm done and I usually do it if I need "extra juice" out of my system which is a last resort.
    A single 8800GT costs around 13K+, its the SLi config that makes it go above 20K.

    Real x16 SLi means using the maximum bandwidth provided by the PCI-E x16 bus, kay uban mobo (chipset), mu support ug 2 ka x16 PCI-E, pero dual x8 ra ang ila ma support (i.g. 650i), kay kuwang ila bus lanes. N680i and some older SLi MCPs have "real" dual x16 lanes. (This refers to Nvidia chipsets only kay ATi/AMD has also their version aka CrossFire)

  3. #23

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    by the way tokidoki, is your 7600GT agp or pcie?

  4. #24

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs


  5. #25

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    hay, i guess i have to prematurely buy a pc gyud mga bai. my pc died last monday. so upgrade na gyud ko. naa moi ikasuggest nga place to buy nga pwede untangon at a monthly installment?

  6. #26

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    I suggest you allocate your money on the components nga dugay mu depreciate... dont spend too much on such parts like Processor, Videocard... instead prioritize

    I suggest the ff.. in order of priority (1 being the most impt)

    1. Motherboard (get one nga pwede ma upgrade later on... some here suggested P35.. para naa kay option to upgrade to the next CPU's)
    Before I used to buy the fastest processor unya bati ang mobo...when the new processors came... dili compatible.. so gasto nasad usab for a new mobo.... mas cheaper pa unta if I spent for the mobo earlier para dili na mag hassle ug upgrade nasad sa mobo... CPU at least pwede ra ma drop in upgrade.. but sa mobo samok kaayo tang tang nasad tanan and reinstall.

    2. Memory (get 2 gigs ram) with memory so cheap.. .why not buy 2 gigs now? di man sad na' dali mu depreciate ang memory.

    i'm a gamer bai. i like to play good SP games and a few online games so performance is an issue. Mas nindot if I can max the settings at 1440x900
    3. Video Card... Since you mentioned you like to game at 1440x900 .. now would be a good time to spend for a videocard .. ur system will be quite unbalanced with a C2D or C2Q and a 7600GT.. sayang di ka maka enjoy current games at high settings....why not allocate some of the funds for your processor into a good enough videocard.... Find a HD 3850 512mb version... this is a really good value card...currently at 10k sa manila. The extra memory will allow you to run games at 1440x900

    4. CPU... the current C2D 6550's are pretty fast enough already... I would just spend on a cheap 4mb cache processor... by next year mu gawas na na' mga 45nm cpu sa intel.. if ni palit ka ug high end nga cpu karon... by then obsolete na ghapon... upgrade nasad ka both board and cpu... para walay labad sa ulo... ayaw nalang kaayog spend for the cpu.. unless u really need the speed gyud sa C2Q or high end nga C2D... otherwise... you could even overclock an E6550 to those speeds... same effect ra... unya kung di na gyud madala... thats the time you upgrade cpu.

    Anyway.. thats just my advise.. think of the depreciation sad unya the trends karon.. mostly ang cpu & videocard ang dali mu depreciate... dont spend too much on those parts lang kaayo....

    Question.... what do you need the PC for diay? Necessary ba gyud nga super high speed imong processor?.... kay it also depends on what kind of tasks you'll be doing...

    Better sad to have a balanced rig instead of what you have planned... ang gawas ana' kay bottleneck ra ghapon ang imong uban components... (ex. 1gig ram, 7600GT videocard)

    With ur current plan... pildi ghapon na' ug games with a decent AMD X2 setup nga nindot ug videocard (8800GT)...

    Just my 2 cents...

  7. #27

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    Quote Originally Posted by vipvip68
    1. Motherboard (get one nga pwede ma upgrade later on... some here suggested P35.. para naa kay option to upgrade to the next CPU's)
    Before I used to buy the fastest processor unya bati ang mobo...when the new processors came... dili compatible.. so gasto nasad usab for a new mobo.... mas cheaper pa unta if I spent for the mobo earlier para dili na mag hassle ug upgrade nasad sa mobo... CPU at least pwede ra ma drop in upgrade.. but sa mobo samok kaayo tang tang nasad tanan and reinstall.
    I really don't care if nindot ba ang mobo or dili or if it's scalable. Besides, when the time comes nga naai bago processor mogawas i will need to upgrade the mobo anyway since some god-forsaken socket will come up to be better than the current one. pointless whether i buy a 5k process or a 15k one. Basta lang it meets the CURRENT trend of CPUs ok ra.

    2. Memory (get 2 gigs ram) with memory so cheap.. .why not buy 2 gigs now? di man sad na' dali mu depreciate ang memory.
    I ALWAYS go for 2GB bai. Never ko ni palit sa minimum requirements sa games.

    3. Video Card... Since you mentioned you like to game .. now would be a good time to spend for a videocard .. ur system will be quite unbalanced with a C2D or C2Q and a 7600GT.. sayang di ka maka enjoy current games at high settings....why not allocate some of the funds for your processor into a good enough videocard.... HD 3850 sounds like a really good value.
    A Geforce 8800GT is already part of my budget bai. no frets.

    4. CPU... the current C2D 6550's are pretty fast enough already... I would just spend on a cheap 4mb cache processor... by next year mu gawas na na' mga 45nm cpu sa intel.. if ni palit ka ug high end nga cpu karon... by then obsolete na ghapon... upgrade nasad ka both board and cpu... para walay labad sa ulo... ayaw nalang kaayog spend for the cpu.. unless u really need the speed gyud sa C2Q or high end nga C2D... otherwise... you could even overclock an E6550 to those speeds... same effect ra... unya kung di na gyud madala... thats the time you upgrade cpu.

    Question.... what do you need the PC for diay? Necessary ba gyud nga super high speed imong processor?.... kay it also depends on what kind of tasks you'll be doing...
    The system is for future online games going at probably 32-64players online. I also play high-end SP games like colin mcrae DiRt, which is no longer playable in my 7600GT AMD64 3200 2GB pc. Of course, I do programming in Java and other stuff. Java is not heavy but it's one hell of a memory hog. So based on the usage bai will your recommended processor suffice or will it pose a problem for these games? I want fast loading times (presuming if the game is not poorly optimized) and be able to swap out of the game in case i want to do something else. Like chat sa ym or chat sa istorya. :mrgreen:

  8. #28

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    glad you decided on the 8800GT and 2gig ram.

    Now that you mentioned what you need the PC for... I guess its a good decision to spend for the high end cpu.. para at least di na ka kailangan mu upgrade for a year or so.

    kung maka afford... why not dba?

  9. #29

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    actually bai pina utong naman gani ni. i don't really wanna do the upgrade this year. i was waiting for the good cpus coming out this january.

    if wala pa mo palit sa 7600GT nako might as well use it muna.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Putting together a system. Need inputs

    hehe.. same ra ta ug situasyon bro..

    Ga hulat ra sad ko ... holding out for as long as I can..

    pero permi man gyud naay bag-o mu gawas.. ang worst mahitabo kay ang newer cpu kay lahi na nga socket.. mao ni reklamo sa nag Intel... cge lang ilis ug mobo...

    AMD sad hinuon.. S754 , S939 .. ilis sad... pero at least dugay dugay pa ni ang AM2...

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