Mga bro, I made the specs below based sa ilang price sa ilang website, I don't know if mao ba jud ni ang price diha sa SM, so please correct if some price is wrong.
Please help sab to reduce the total price (reduce to P30K), which part pwede ilisan nga mas barato, i.e. mas barato nga casing, keyboard, monitor, etc.
Intel Core 2 Duo E4400 (2.0Ghz) LGA775-------------------------------------6080
Asus P5S-MXSE-------------------------------------------------------------------------2810
2 x 1GB PC667 ddr2------------------------------------------------------------------3740
Seagate Barracuda 80GB 7200RPM SATA HARD DRIVE-------------------2240
Inno3D Geforce 7200GS 128mb DDR2 64bit DVI/S-video----------------1510
Asus 17inch MM17DE Splended enhancer-------------------------------------9100
LG 52/32/52 Combo Black/White------------------------------------------------1250
Microsoft Windows XP Home (OEM)--------------------------------------------4580
ATX Casing with 500w PSU, Keyboard, Mouse, Speaker-----------------1750 (Asa ni dapit bro, wa lagi ni sa ila website?)
Powerpro 500W 4 socket (circuit breaker)-----------------------------------380
P33, 440