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  1. #1

    Default Domain name experts. how much is the name worth???????


    If you own the domain name . And the company wants to buy it . Pila imo epresyo.
    Assume that you had the name before they had it.

    Also, do you have to have a license to own a domain name. for example
    do you have to be a business or get at lisence to own that name.

    Mga tol, tell sa inyong abilidad ani nga topic be.

    Also, did you ever sale a domain and got money.

    Please minimize the jokes. thanks.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Domain name experts. how much is the name worth???????

    HI bro.

    this article can help you before you decide Buying an EXISTING DOMAIN NAME >>

  3. #3

    Default Re: Domain name experts. how much is the name worth???????

    Visit This will help you have an idea on how much you're going to tag your domain.

    As for the license, you don't need to have one. It's called intellectual property right. read more about it here.

    edit: fixed url.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Domain name experts. how much is the name worth???????

    ang pag presyo naa rajd na nimo.. ikaw na bahala ana.. ikaw man tag-iya sa domain...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Domain name experts. how much is the name worth???????

    nahalinan namog domain names ninyo.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Domain name experts. how much is the name worth???????

    no you dont need a business lisence to buy a name.

    a name could be a valuable brand to a business, depending on the business and how much to sell, its best to ask them for an offer.

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