hehe, this was a candid shot.Originally Posted by BUroKHUli
hehehe, the 'lady' was miss southwestern a few years back.
hehe, this was a candid shot.Originally Posted by BUroKHUli
hehehe, the 'lady' was miss southwestern a few years back.
gizmo text line +63918-94-GIZMO (0918-94-44966)
NOW HIRING we also accept dealers & freelance agents
i agree....Originally Posted by BUroKHUli
chickboy gyud ni mga taga istorya.net oi...hehehe!
gizmo text line +63918-94-GIZMO (0918-94-44966)
NOW HIRING we also accept dealers & freelance agents
nindut na imong light da. di ba na init? basin malanay icecream ana
unsay type sa bulb ana?
Night photography experiment....
20D Manual exposure F4@ 1/320@188mm@ISO800 handheld
A ten year old looking at her own reflections...![]()
[Post editing done with Photoshop CS2. Nikon 4300. Just a point and shoot camera]
paulabdul: nice. very symbolic.
Quoted from TE member ALFORD.
Sunset 101: When the sun is high in the sky, it generally appears white because all wavelengths
of visible light reach an observer's eyes with almost equal intensity. As the sun sinks toward
the horizon, sunlight enters the atmosphere at a much lower angle and consequently sunlight
has to travel through a longer distance of atmosphere to reach the eye. The thick layer of air,
dust and haze scatters away much of the shorter wavelengths (blue & violet) and the only
light which penetrates through the atmosphere are the longer wavelengths of light (yellow,
orange and red) which produce colorful sunsets. Red sunsets are often observed from a beach
because of the high concentration of salt particles suspended in the air over the oceans.
[size=9px]Dapitan City, Philippines[/size]
any final date and time?Originally Posted by BUroKHUli
gizmo text line +63918-94-GIZMO (0918-94-44966)
NOW HIRING we also accept dealers & freelance agents
good heavens, I was able to take some photos during the MTV CONCERT yesterday at SM parking lot.
I got great pics and specially, I got a bunch of photos of CINDY CORLETTO up close. darn she is a killer.
And with lady luck on my side that evening, I was able to ask someone to take a picture of RICO (Rivermaya) & me before they played on stage. Hehehehehe!! Suplado man diay ni si Rico, pero bahala siya, pabaga na lang kog pa picture kai IDOL man.
I'll post some photos tomorrow.
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