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  1. #1

    Default Lost Ark: Greatest game I've played in a long time

    Played WoW since its initial release in 2004. Was a Mythic CE raider. Recently quit in 9.2 before the mythic raid release. The game just burned me out. Played D3 for a bit too, but was just bored with it after a few play-throughs.

    Lost Ark is a breath of fresh air. The combat is top tier, love the animation and the feel of popping off. I've gained a chadlancer, with a demon SH and mayhem zerker alt and dabbled with a few others. I love how each class has its own distinct feel and playstyle with strengths and weaknesses. The ability to customize your build through tripods and engravings is great as well. I know there are a few that are considered standard build metas like T3 Grudge, but they are not at all a requirement. You can still play around and make some wonky builds that are still viable. I haven't found anything yet that is just vastly OP to any other class. You really can play what you want. Are some builds easier to manage, of course? But I've still managed to conquer every challenge and usually still get MVP.

    I like that nothing I do in my progression is invalidated by the next tier of progression. That is a huge plus for me. You can consistently feel your character getting stronger. I actually like the honing system in Lost Ark, despite all the crying from the community. It feels so much better to be able to target the specific upgrade you want with eventual success vs hoping for a gear drop from a specific boss, and I can get some Lost Ark Items I always want. In WoW I could go an entire tier without getting my BiS trinket or something to drop, and then it didn't even matter come to the next tier. Just repeated the cycle.

    I couldn't comment on the story for Lost Ark, as I just spam G. But it doesn't matter. I'm still immersed in these wonderful landscapes and their very intense presence. The art in this game is amazing.

    PvP is an interesting one. I've found myself drooling waiting to get home and hop in a match, just to get tilted af by a gigachad deathblade. It does have a steep learning curve, but the pay off to mastering it is immense.

    The collectables. Wow. They really went hard with this system to always have that carrot on a stick for you. I really hope they continue to expand on this system. Not by adding more mokoko seeds in future patches, but rather entirely new collectibles with their own reward progression. Don't want to gather 1200 seeds just to be 1200/1300 in a new patch. If someone has reached the summit for a particular collectible, let them keep that.

    Of course, no game is without its gripes and hiccups. There are plenty of systems that need some attention, but I'm confident in AGS and Smilegate considering what they have created thus far.

    With all that said, have fun, enjoy the game, don't burn yourself out, and I'll see you in Arkesia!

  2. #2
    Yeh, I played this game. I can't say it's the gratest game I've ever played, but it's rather interesting.

  3. #3
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