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  1. #1

    Default America Under Biden/Harris- Recovery or Doom?

    Smartmatic did it again. With the help of large-scale mail-in voting, what could possibly go wrong? The guy (Biden) who hardly campaigned and who could barely gather a crowd of a few hundred managed to beat the other guy (Trump) who filled up stadiums like a rock concert and worked really hard campaigning. Biden should write a book about "How to win an election without leaving your house."

    What's gonna happen to America, now that Democrats have their president and they have majority in both Houses? Recall the democrat talking points: open borders, Black reparation, defund the police, return to the Paris climate accord, health care for all by removing private health care, eliminating student loans, and a host of other socialist programs...and don't forget censorship of Conservatives. Are these beneficial or destructive to America?

    Open borders is an experiment no decent country would want to try. Black reparation? Well, do you mean non-Blacks get taxed to pay the Black community? America's not a Black and White country anymore. I don't think that would sit well with Caucasians, Asians and Hispanics (which represent more than half the country). Defund the police? As to how the media failed to call out Democrats for such stupidity is just mind-boggling.

    Return to Paris climate accord? Why cripple your economy with this problem when China is allowed to peak carbon emissions by 2030? A famous science TV personality once predicted that global warming would cause sea levels to rise up to the armpits of the statue of liberty before 2020. That prediction failed. So can we question that climate model? I think Climate Change is real and humans contribute to it somewhat, but the fear-mongering is not warranted. Climate has been changing with or without humans. Just think how the last Ice Age or how the Medieval Warming came about. Make no mistake, the Sun is the most powerful influencer of climate. Even the late, great scientist, Freeman Dyson, once questioned whether Carbon Dioxide emission is really harmful. As you tracked satellite imaging of the earth, it does seem that the planet is getting greener, which is actually a good thing.

    Democratic Socialism? Firstly, the idea of taking money from productive individuals and giving it to those who didn't earn it is immoral. Secondly, what makes the economy working and flourishing is the incentive to make profits. If you're not careful and create an environment that discourages entrepreneurship, the economy will collapse like in Venezuela (and in all those Socialist experiments that failed but never talked about in the mainstream media). It's easy to demonize capitalists if you don't see what it took to create a company (raising capital, the research, product prototyping, securing government permits, scouring the earth for cost-effective machines, etc.) and the nightmares/stress when you start up your company with the odds stacked against you and competitors ready to devour you. It's not that hard to be an employee. You just show up for work. If you make this occupation more attractive, everyone will want to be the employee. Boom! And then watch the shelves in your supermarkets empty, as businesses close en-masse.

    If the Dems make good their word, I think America's fate is sealed; America's gone. America becomes a cautionary tale for what a country must not do when it becomes a superpower. When America collapses, the rest of the world do not just catch cold...we all brace for that tsunami.

  2. #2
    What is happening now is really frightening.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by UnaBaker View Post
    What is happening now is really frightening.
    Without even waiting a day or two, Joe Biden signed a series of Executive Orders to undo Trump's Executive Orders, among them: a halt to the border wall construction, a rollback on Trump's big de-regulation, lifting the travel ban on terror hotspots, a return to WHO and the Paris Climate Accord, etc. As we speak, the Left wasted no time trying to implement a surveillance on Conservatives whom they label as domestic terrorists due to the Capitol riots. And then there's Silicon valley on an all-out war to silence Conservative voices.

    Here's what's frightening, if the Left continues on this path persecuting and marginalizing the other half of America (i.e. the patriots): Civil War.

    The Left has ushered in values which are unrecognizable from the values that predominated 1980s America. Take a look at what's become orthodoxy in US mainstream thought (i.e. from the media and academia): Socialism, Open Borders, Climate Change Alarmism, Identity Politics on steroids, the Gender Insanity...and then there are useful idiots for the Left called Feminists who still believe that men hate women and they demand late-term abortion and quotas in powerful positions in business and government...and then there's a section in the Black community who will forever blame racism for their failures and they demand the same type of quotas that feminists want and more affirmative actions and reparations for their ancestors' slavery.

    Whatever happened to that old saying: To get what you want, you must work hard for it, persevere, make wise choices...earn it! Nowadays, it seems this has turned into: To get what you want, play the victim and demand compensation.

    The mistaken notion is that freedom is some kind of entitlement. No. Freedom is by necessity Independence. It's a scary thought to be on your own and to be responsible for your actions and choices and to own its consequences...and if you're lucky: it's rewards. That's why a government that promises to take care of you in exchange for your security must be shunned away...the same way Jesus refused the Devil's temptation of kingdom and power in the Judean desert.

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