new chapter out guys
Deserted na
mga idol. panghatag mog mga link diha bi boring kaau stayhome. nahan ko mo watch one punch man series sugod una jud. salamat daan
Okay I'm old now.
Anyway, I don't think Luffy and co will bring those two yonkou down. Strong-willed amateurs vs seasoned pair of yonkou, just no. It will take Luffy's entire allied fleet including those fishman pirates just to make lasting damage and knowing Oda, he is not the type to power up the mc based on emotions. I think before the worst case scenario is going to happen, the Admiral fleet that was bound to Wano (Issho and Green Bull) will land at the most crucial moment and that... might be even worse for all the exhausted pirates involved.
That said, last chapter of the decade is oozing with heebie jeebies when Luffy just ignored Big Mom and Kaidou and went by between them swiftly like a wind. He actually looked like a badass prime Shanks there for a moment. And by closing the final chapter of the decade, he gave Kaidou a nice Red Roc smacked to his face bringing that enormous creature to the ground in one hit which astounds both Yonkou.
Happy New Year to all of you.
One of the best anime RN.
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