For Sale, Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 GPU, bought this included with the CPU as a whole. Don't need Graphics card since I don't play games, so I'm selling it for 2k negotiable.
Check the actual picture still very clean, installed for only month or two.
Reason for selling - Need money to buy second Monitor.
Free delivery for compatibility testing within Cebu City, as long as near main roads
Price is Negotiable.
Check the specs here
[img][B jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_sid=843cd7&_nc_ohc=C81yOJUKmpg AX_61k1P&_nc_ht=scontent.fceb2-2.fna&oh=ba4520c75db00f4f086199879e193064&oe=5FB3B 6A5[/B][/img]