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  1. #11

    Quote Originally Posted by zelyck View Post
    Start a forex trade business online

    with a minimal investment Please read for the information READ BOOKS



    thank you for informayion!

  2. #12
    IT's probably need tremendous resources like organisation and like something which needs to be done entirely here and absolutely on every possible level clearly. You may need something like $300k or more to start good brokerage or earn big, just let you know.

  3. #13

    Default How to choose the best broker?

    A very large number of companies offer their services. But not everyone can be trusted. I faced scams twice before I started working with an official trading partner of FC Barcelona. This is the best forex broker on the market right now. Therefore, if you cannot decide, then feel free to start cooperating with the FBS
    Try it now

  4. #14
    Risk reversal fluctuates between calls and puts: Risk reversal is a pair of options, call and put, on the same currency. Risk reversals can be viewed as a tool for polling market participants. The indicator is clearly in favor of calls rather than puts, indicating that the market prefers calls. Thus, risk reversals can be used in the foreign exchange market instead of the open position indicator for beginners in trading according to In a range, risk reversals tend to fluctuate between popular calls and puts near zero (or equal), indicating that there is uncertainty in the relationship between bulls and bears and there is no strong preference in the market to move in one direction.

  5. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by zelyck View Post
    Start a forex trade business online
    I need to know more about such a great way to get income on forex trading. But it is rather complicated to find the really working tool or guide to follow. Will I do it with the mentioned one?

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by zelyck View Post
    Start a forex trade business online on the basis
    with a minimal investment Please read for the information
    Thanks for such a great description for this approach! Indeed, there are so many interesting aspects to continue work with! That people are not ready to continue here. The next step is choice of the best compeny for work. For instance, such a forex broker.

  7. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Donpacos View Post
    In Forex Trading, we all know hasul and labad sa ulo ang manual trading. nowadays naa nay robot (AI). meaning no more manual trading. And mas profitable pa sa manual trading since the robot is only doing according to strategies and algorithm. Kita as humans we do that as well pero there are 2 things that always interrupts us, FEAR and GREED. as long as naa na ang 2 emotions there will always be big losses. the robot however doesnt have those emotions thats why forex trading usign AI is more effective than manual trading.

    PM me if interested to know more
    I agree with your suggetion. Thanks for your valuable post.

  8. #18
    Fraudulent brokers are usually outright scams, but there are also brokers who will make traders money, but charge their customers rates that are unreasonably high. A great way to tell if a broker is trustworthy is to make sure they have all the proper credentials the industry demands of the company. This includes not only any licenses needed by commission authority, but also certifications for options trading and additional areas like tax compliance. Once you've found a broker with clear licensing and certification, examine transaction fees they're charging based on your needs. If you need more than just stocks or options trades then be sure to look out for commissions elsewhere in their network as well as fees elsewhere that could carry over into your account if you don't understand it.

    For more information and guidance about everything related to broker or forex then i will suggest to take a look at i hope this will help. Best Regards

  9. #19
    Để có một chiến lược tốt và kế hoạch quản lư rủi ro, giao dịch trên Forex chắc chắn là giá trị nó. Họ làm cho nó một cách nhất quán và trong nhiều trường hợp sống do điều này. Thực tế là các ngân hàng, các quỹ pḥng hộ và thậm chí các tập đoàn xuyên quốc gia có liên quan đến một h́nh thức hoặc một h́nh thức giao dịch ngoại hối khác. Khi tôi mới trong việc buôn bán chứng khoán, tôi đă chạy qua các nền tảng và không phải ở đâu để đứng dậy nhưng sau đó tôi t́m thấy nền tảng Forex và bây giờ tôi đă làm việc trong khoảng nửa năm, nếu bạn quá mới, tôi có thể tư vấn cho người mới bắt đầu, t́m hiểu loại trượt hoặc nó luôn bị trượt xấu, đó là tất cả những ǵ tôi c̣n có thể t́m thấy trong bài viết mà tôi mô tả một cách khéo léo về trượt.

  10. #20
    What is the best place to store bitcoins when buying and selling? It is certainly better to have multiple places to store bitcoins, including your devices, the exchange, apps, and brokers. I can also recommend buy bitcoins with prepaid debit card at All in all I am satisfied with everything, of course there are minuses, but they are small and their own huge pluses.

  11.    Advertisement

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