Watchmen is an American superhero drama television series, serving as a continuation of the 1987 DC Comics limited series of the same name created by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons. The TV series is created by Damon Lindelof for HBO, with Lindelof serving as executive producer and writer.[1] Its ensemble cast includes Regina King, Don Johnson, Tim Blake Nelson, Yahya Abdul-Mateen II, Andrew Howard, Jacob Ming-Trent, Tom Mison, Sara Vickers, Dylan Schombing, Louis Gossett Jr., Jeremy Irons, Jean Smart, and Hong Chau.

Lindelof likened the television series to a "remix" of the original comic series. While the series is technically a sequel, which takes place 34 years after the events of the comics within the same alternate reality, Lindelof wanted to introduce new characters and conflicts that create a new story within the Watchmen continuity, rather than creating a reboot. The series focuses on events surrounding racial tensions in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 2019. A white supremacist group called the Seventh Kavalry has taken up arms against the Tulsa Police Department because of perceived racial injustices, causing the police to conceal their identities with masks to prevent the Seventh Kavalry from targeting them in their homes following the "White Night." Angela Abar (King), a detective known as Sister Night, investigates the murder of her friend and superior, Judd Crawford (Johnson), and discovers secrets regarding the situations around vigilantism. In addition to new characters, the show features characters from the limited series, including Doctor Manhattan, Silk Spectre, and Ozymandias.

The series premiered on October 20, 2019, with the first season consisting of nine episodes.



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The series is almost done, highly recommended..