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  1. #1

    Default Malware or not on

    Guys, I need help. I'm seeing a huge ad banner in Yahoo's main page:

    Are you seeing it too in your PC or it's a malware? I just noticed it now because I use adblock for years. I just want to know if this is normal to yahoo or my pc has a malware. Thanks

  2. #2
    Dili man na malware Boss (I think adware should be the right term, pero dili pod na adware).
    That's just an normal Ad Banner.

    Over time, ad networks have found ways to override Adblock.
    And that is one of them.
    Nya naa pod times nga i-OK sa AdBlock ang certain ads due to certain events and humanitarian causes.

  3. #3
    Thank you, Jack, for confirming that it's not virus of some sort. I panicked after seeing it for the first time that I scanned my system with AdwCleaner, Malwarebytes, ZHPCleaner, and then reset chrome and IE11 with ResetBrowsers. None of them got rid of that ad. So I reinstalled windows and still seeing that ad after. That's when I doubt it's a virus/malware. With you confirming it's not, I just realized I made a fool of myself

    My adblock must have stopped working that time because the banner is now gone with adblock re-installed.

  4. #4
    Yahoo allowed that ads on their website to make money bro.

  5. #5
    I accidentally stumbled upon this topic, because I have an similar problem. Is it really spyware? Is there any way to remove it?

  6. #6
    Usually this type of viruses are hidden in banners or pop-ups. One random click is enough to infect your PC with such a program. My advice to you is to install elementary AD blocker, for example from the Google Market. It will block various malicious advertising banners.

  7. #7
    I assume that no - it's not really. All you need to do is just keep browsing Yahoo as usual and do not make it a big deal, if you wish you can use some adblocker and that's it, but not more than that basically. I highly doubt Yahoo will allow that if it will be really adware or something like that.

  8. #8
    You can safely browse the net, and why in the first place you really do going about something like that for sure ? Why in the first place you really getting worried ? Simply put the adblock if you really worry about your browsing habbits so much.

  9.    Advertisement

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