Any ASP.Net C# developers here? I have a simple 3-tier architecture project for you.
This will earn you $ if you complete this project. Matsalams!
Attached is the sample project <a href="">sample project</a> and the sql scripts<a href="">sql scripts</a> designed in 3-tier architecture. You can download the project by clicking on the link in the Google Drive. Extract the .zip file in your C:\Development\traumadev drive. (just create the folder directory to extract the solution)
Project Requirements:
1. Must use Visual Studio 2017
2. Use an ASP.NET project type with 4.6.1 .Net Framework
3. Database connections will be configured in the Web.config
4. The project must be written using C# and has a Business and Data Services layer
5. It must use SQL Server (I'm using SQL 2017) later on will be deployed into Azure (TBD)
The project name is, take note of the 3 .cs files:
In the <b>DataAccess.cs</b>, there is a class called UserDA, this is were the use of the stored procedure, it passes the variables fro the UI into the table. This is only an example. From this Data Service, we can add the stored procedures for Add/Insert, Edit, Delete or Get (Query the records according to the passed variables like Login and Password or search function).
In the <b>BusinessObject.cs</b>, there is a class called UserBO, this is were the entity records in the database will be define and it has to match the Database table.
In the <b>BusinessLogic.cs</b>, there is a class called UserBL, this is were the functions are happening and will access the SQL Client.
We can use these .cs files to add the functionalities that the customer would like to do in the application but for now the cliet would like to see a User's Registration and Login page with a landing page secured only for authenticated users.
<add name="DefaultConnection"
connectionString="Server=local\SQL;Database=trauma dev;User Id=admin;Password=admin;Integrated Security=True"
You can create your own Database and replace the variables in the connectionSting and you can use the variable "DefaultConnection"
Here are the SQL Scripts:
<b>Database.sql</b> - this script will create the Database called TraumaDev
<b>Table.sql</b> - this script will create the Table called tlkpUser
<b>StoreProc.sql</b> - this script will create a Store Procedure called sprocUserinfoInsertUpdateSingleItem
Once you created the Database, make sure to add the SQL user name "admin" with the password "admin", I hard coded this in the Web.config I was thinking maybe we can use the Microsoft.OWINS to manage the encryption of the identity or the Users or having two Databases for the records transactions and the user login information but you can decide what do you recommend to secure the application.
Please create all user pages under the folder Account (eg. Login.aspx and Registration.aspx) and the authenticated landing page at Views\Home if there will be new pages later on like the file management it can reside at Views\Documents etc. The reason for separating the pages like this so that we can easily route the pages between authenticated users and the user's that are not.
That's all for now now dude, let me know if you can build a fresh project with these requirements. You can use bootstrap or JavaScript for the Master style sheet (Site.Master) to make the site have a modern look and feel.
Thank you,