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  1. #1

    Default Are You A Leftist?

    Are you one of the many who thinks that your lot in life is the responsibility of the State and is therefore waiting for the "right" president to give him a better life? Or are you among the few who thinks that their lot in life is their own responsibility and therefore you focus your efforts and time to trying things out in the free market and see what sticks and only wish the government not stand in their way?

    If you say yes to the first question, you lean toward the Left. If you say yes to the second question, you're one of those high IQ individuals who desire more individual freedom and independence to chart their own destinies.

    Average IQ in the Philippines is 85 and so the majority are more likely to be drawn to the Socialist ideology. Honestly, anyone who's NOT a LEFTIST here?

  2. #2
    I am conservative, but not too Far Right, kinda near the middle (3/4)

    Socialist ideology will not work in a long run AFAIK

  3. #3
    oOoOhHhHhhh, dOeS tHiS mEaN i'M iNteLeGrANt?
    i hAvE sO mUcH hiGh IQ!!! i kNow, riGhT?

    pEaSaNts nOt aLLoWed!

    thanks dopamine!

    Last edited by gibra'al; 10-12-2018 at 06:41 PM.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by gibra'al View Post
    oOoOhHhHhhh, dOeS tHiS mEaN i'M iNteLeGrANt?
    i hAvE sO mUcH hiGh IQ!!! i kNow, riGhT?

    pEaSaNts nOt aLLoWed!

    thanks dopamine!

    the dunning kruger effect is very strong with MR. TS.

  5. #5
    i'm right handed...

  6. #6
    I think the question should be, kinsay taga UP diri? Kumusta ang training?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by necrotic freak View Post
    I think the question should be, kinsay taga UP diri? Kumusta ang training?
    hahaha. on Topic, what is the relevance of IQ? pasagdan na lang tung super high sa creative ug social intelligence?

  8. #8
    Is this a joke? Your opinion has nothing to do with IQ plus leaning on both extremes is stupid. To believe that the state resolves all your problems can make you lazy and you tend to blame all your problems to the government while thinking that all your problems can be resolved by yourself tends to make you care less about politics and government. Being a responsible individual by working hard and a responsible citizen by voting wisely and helping your country the least way you can is the only smart way to be.

  9. #9
    dawat man kog left and right. if the price is right

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by 2tdruid View Post
    Is this a joke? Your opinion has nothing to do with IQ plus leaning on both extremes is stupid. To believe that the state resolves all your problems can make you lazy and you tend to blame all your problems to the government while thinking that all your problems can be resolved by yourself tends to make you care less about politics and government. Being a responsible individual by working hard and a responsible citizen by voting wisely and helping your country the least way you can is the only smart way to be.
    It's an utter complete joke.

    To imply that one has a higher IQ and likely to lean right is not just ignorant, but it also highlights the thought-process of far-right leaning people -- that they are better than everyone else.

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