Hahaha Destabilization, most common word coming from the yellows.
It's gonna be a 4 more long years of bitterness for you people.. Not unless we have Federalism.. hahahaha
Bisan unsaon pana ninyog daut ang current administration, the REAL Filipino people who overwhelming voted for him will still again and again vote for him.
Ayaw kalimot nga democracy ta, and each vote still counts..
Hypocrisy is strong...
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Originally Posted by
This recent turn of events in the Philippines is a litmus test if it is still fitting to be known as the “only Christian nation in the Far East”.
With Duterte’s un-called for remark, “God is a stupid SOB”, any Filipino Christian who gets shot and killed during his term will now be a martyr – not a tambay, drug user, drug pusher or druglord. Going against Duterte will now be a religious crusade to rid the country of an infidel. In a matter of time, Filipino martyrs will line up Rome’s processing center for canonization and sainthood.
Duterte could have done anything but turn against God. He can overtake Marcos in the Guiness World of Records for all we care. He can be a gambler, an inebriate drunk, womanizer or a secret druglord killing competition or damning anything as a mere mortal for all we care. Anyway, Filipino idiocy as all forgiving and having short memories for any mortal gaffes and blunders can be gleaned how Filipinos treated Marcos plunder, Ramos expo scam, Estrada plunder and jueteng payola, Macapagal plunder, sympathy over sanity on Noynoy presidency and Duterte’s street-smart rough methods.
But to turn and malign a spiritual God by calling Him a stupid SOB breaches the sanity and patience of the Filipino. Religion is still the opiate of the Filipino masses. Duterte can destroy the flesh but not the Filipino faith and his divine belief of Christian God.
Hence, Filipino inaction to Duterte’s blasphemy is like placing Duterte above the Filipino Christian God – a class suit blasphemy of the Filipino towards their Christian God.
not a chance...