THE SAME OLIGARCHS ARE USING MEDIA TO MANIPULATE PUBLIC OPINION. Worse, since they know people nowadays wont get duped easily, they use ICC to pursue their plans.
But why Oligarchs are against DU30 here are the real reasons:
1. Duterte wants to revise the 1987 Constitution, which protected the Oligarchy through the 60 Filipino and 40% Foreign ownership restriction. Result? Monopoly. Even Government has no choice but to bid out public projects to these oligarchs.
2. Duterte wants to break Monopoly by allowing foreigners to compete.
3. Duterte is the first president to ran after these oligarchs who used Government as their milking cow.
See Mile long property of Inquirer's Prieto-Rufinos:…/sunvar-r...e-long-…
Mighty Corp.:…/mighty-a...set…/amp
Lucio Tan:…/breaking...-up…/amp
Prieto-Rufino's Dunkin Donuts:…/duterte-...ts-p1-5…
4. Duterte wants to shift to Federalism so Oligarchs may no longer control the Presidency by distributing executive powers to regional prime ministers, governors, and mayors, all directly accountable to the people.