Hey Guys. Cebu will be participating for the Global Game Jam this year, 2017. Details are there below!
A Game Jam is something like a Hack-a-thon but people develop games instead of apps. You guys can visit on Sundays if you guys wanna try out the games made on the days themselves!
Link to Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CebuGameDev/
We would like to announce that for the first time ever, Cebu will be joining the Global Game Jam 2018! The Global Game Jam is a 3-day event where people gather to form multiple teams and develop multiple games.
If you’d like to know more about the event, visit:https://globalgamejam.org/about
To register for Global Game Jam, you will need to get a ticket from Eventbrite.com:
You will also need to register for the Global Game Jam site and join the Cebu Game Dev Site. This is where you will be forming your team and submitting your game:
Do Follow and Like our Facebook page to get the latest announcements including the schedules, talks from guests during the event, and etc.
Also Like The Company Cebu's Facebook Page here:
For any questions and information, feel free to text/call 09177176807 and look for Kenneth.
Thanks heaps!