^^Aliens were written in the bible as well.
God is an alien technically speaking.
^^Aliens were written in the bible as well.
God is an alien technically speaking.
Well, that depends on your concept of God.
But I don't think there were extraterrestrial beings mentioned in the bible or are you refering to something else.
Not fond of quoting bible verses bro but knowing that the bible focuses more on the salvation of humans. Focuses more on earth. So I guess it's safe to assume that. It just came to me. If the bible tells us the ultimate truth then either it could be that in the time we discover other worlds with other intelligent beings, they should have another bible revised to suit their world and salvation OR we have to change our interpretations of the bible.
So I'm glad you admitted that the statement came from you and it is actually fallacious - no there is no verse in the Bible that states the Earth is at the Center of the Universe. While I would admit that it is recorded that men previously believed the Earth was at the Center of the Universe, this is not exclusive to men of theology as it was common amongst Philosophers and laymen as well.
I also need to point out that it is by no means any different with the debunked contemporary "scientific" theories of our time, namely: 1) that the Universe is Static
2) that there are only 3 primary requisites for life - the right sun, right distance of a planet from the Sun, and a solar system - this was what Carl Sagan thought.
3) Abiogenesis - that life can spontaneously appear and create itself from non-life
4) Flat Earth
5) Evolution - widely debunked already by secular and non-secular scientific communities but dearly held on as there's no other alternative.
The earth, in the bible does occupy the central position in the entire universe because of its God-given role, even though it may NOT be in the geometrical center. The first astronomical object that God created was the earth; this clearly indicates its importance amongst all of the other stars and planets.
Keen to understand your point of view about what you think the Bible is and SHOULD be - in accordance to your world view. You stated that it needs to be revised or change the interpretation of it - how so? would love to understand where you're coming from.
And there are no verses also in the bible that extra terrestrial beings exist. You see it focuses more on humanity, on earth? Meaning if the God of the bible is the God of the universe then all of the universe is focused on earth alone. Only humans were given the chance of salvation in the bible. Now what if extra terrestrial beings show up. Will the bible be able to include them in salvation? They’re part of creation they should be saved too. What do you think?
you failed to answer any of the questions I posted and easily shied away from even acknowledging that I called you out on your fallacious sweeping statement that the Bible states that the Earth is the center of the Universe, how convenient.
I actually can't help but laugh at your premise...granting but not admitting that there is extra-terrestrial life outside of the earth - what do you think they should look like? will they look like humans? will they have brains? can they talk? will they have arms or even toungues so they can converse with us? Why do you think they will need salvation too?
What is your understanding of salvation by the way? lol. What is your understanding or concept of "extra terrestrial" life. Perhaps you should explain what your worldview is and maybe we can understand better where you are coming from and why you think there MUST be life out there?
You see, in a biblical worldview, we don’t expect alien life to exist. The Bible tells us Earth was formed to be inhabited and the other celestial bodies were created for signs, seasons, days, and years. It was to Earth that Jesus came to save us, not to another planet to save another race of beings.
Many have been taught that life arose on this planet spontaneously and evolved into complex organisms. If it happened here, they believe, surely it could happen elsewhere in the universe. But the search process for extra-terrestrial life and another earth has all been in vain, even with the latest sensationalized news of a "possible" new earth - there are no pictures or accurate descriptions to prove.
Boss naa lang ko ika share nimo.
In Hebrews 1:1-2
God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,
Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds.
I believe God created other habited worlds. The bible doesn't give a big picture of other beings on other worlds since this is not much concern with our salvation and present truth but thus gave us some hints.
These are unfallen worlds unlike ours.
"And every creature which is in heaven, and on the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying, Blessing, and honour, and glory, and power, be unto him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever."
Rev 5:13
Heavens in the Bible could mean the skies in vast space.
Miriam Dictionary #1 definition of Heaven:
"the expanse of space that seems to be over the earth like a dome"
the expanse of space or heavens praising God in Rev 5:13 could only mean other worlds.
Jesus came to this world to save us since we are the only lost sheep in this universe:
“What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it?”
But beware of Demonic dellusions that showed themselves as "aliens"
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2 Corinthians 11:14
I hope this could shed light to our beliefs.
What questions bro? I already made my point. That the bible is limited only to humans, it focuses on humans and the God of the bible claims to be God of everything which makes earth the focus of all creation. That's what I've been trying to point out and I greatly disagree to this because this makes humans stand out from the rest which should not be the case. We're only part of the bigger picture.
You see man, I don't have to describe an extraterrestrial intelligent being. What does appearance have to do with it? They have the same complex form like us so they can communicate with us, period. The question about why do they need salvation, because the God of your bible is going to destroy everything. Wouldn't it be unfair for a God to let a race die just because humans are sinners? Why do they have to suffer something they're not accountable of? These are all assumptions that I would like to question when these other races are proven to exist.
To your biblical worldview....man, you sound like a flat earther. Who thinks that all creations are revolving for humanity. Well that's what the bible believes. But for me, humans are only part of the whole.
"Many have been taught that life arose on this planet spontaneously and evolved into complex organisms. If it happened here, they believe, surely it could happen elsewhere in the universe. But the search process for extra-terrestrial life and another earth has all been in vain, even with the latest sensationalized news of a "possible" new earth - there are no pictures or accurate descriptions to prove."
Lastly, Haven't you asked why the laws of physics are established? Because of the fine tuning of the universe. Because of natures observable repeating behavior. It might be that the laws of physics who governs the creation of life form in this planet is the same laws applicable to other planet given that it has the same conditions. So it's safe to assume that there could be other races out there.
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