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Well honestly I wouldnt know, I dont make predictions but lets just look at history so we can check the facts. MNLF sieged Zamboanga City before, they number around 500 combatants, pretty much more or less same in Marawi crises. Zamboanga is way bigger than Marawi and has 3 times more population, making a lot harder to clear and contain. And yet govt had able to retake it in just 2 weeks and 6 days. They didnt need Martial Law, they didnt make self imposed deadline to look strong and decisive, they just do it. Look at Marawi now its more than a month already.
People can hate the Past Admin, and Duterte should jail Pnoy for DAP corruption. At the end of the day numbers dont lie and Pnoy admin performed better on this situation.
I think you are obviously missing the point.
When you say numbers? ang imong gi compare is ang dates, gi daghanon sa population ug mga troops lang?
Did you ever try to consider the underlying facts?
1. That this is not a mere insurgency event. This is also a political one. PNOY didn't have a rabid opposition with tons of money in the bank to spare.
2. That they have different terrains.
If you review your Philippine geography a little bit. Zamboanga is big yes, but it is surrounded by a body of water. Fighting with water at your back is considered to be a tactically disadvantage in the military. Hence, the premise that it Zamboanga harder to contain is false.
Zamboangas boundaries to the south is the Celebes Sea, further west is the Sulu sea. The only places the MNLF could go is through the waters of Celebes sea to Lamitan to the south and Sibuco to the west. To the north is Sirawai.
As compared to Marawi almost everywhere there is an exit. To the north is Iligan, The Northeast is Cagayan de Oro, to the south is Cotabato, further southeast is Davao City... Plus Marawi is largely a muslim city, where these Mautes are considered locals, who have gathered probably thousands of sympathizers and even political support. Marawi is a logistical nightmare in the military's POV.
The intention of Martial Law is to put an end to this Abu Sayyafs and Maute, where these Abu Sayyaf's came from somewhere else, and went to Marawi.
The intention of Zamboaga Siege was merely to quell that so-called rebellion and did little to nothing to put an end to this stupid rebellions.
3. That the plan was cooked up months or even years prior, funded by narcopolitics and probably some senators and congressmen. ahem
4. That MNLF is a rebel group that is still existing hangtud karon. While the Maute and Abu Sayyaf are being decimated, what is with MNLF? They are still there. Do you think the Zamboanga siege was successful?
5. That martial law was not imposed solely as a remedy for Marawi, but could also be used in the entire insurgency or rebellion of the entire Mindanao.
As you know what the NPA, BIFF, ABU Sayyaf, Maute, MNLF, MILF, MILK, DIAPER, etc., is considered rebellion under our laws..
6. That PNOY was incompetent and didn't know what to do. Did you really see him there in Zamboanga? or was it just because they claim it to be successful that they added him in the picture.
Did you think PNOY would have been there if it was considered by the yellows to be a failure?
Was PNOY there during the SAF44? Obviously not, because the Filipinos condemned it to be a failure. -- This is all PR BS if you know what I mean.
Think for the long term and don't get muddled up by what these BS are feeding you through memes.
The self imposed deadline is there to pressure troops to do something and not sleep on the job.
For a plan to work it is important to give a deadline, a plan with no deadline is not a plan, it is merely and operation.
And they had to impose a deadline because a prolonged war is costly, not only to the government's coffers but also to our armies lives.
Did you ever here Pnoy making deadlines? yes I did, and he failed miserably.. remember the "ran over train" issue? Yeah... He failed miserably.
7. The enemy .. Zamboanga siege - MNLF only. Marawi - Maute, Abu Sayyaf, Narcopoliticians (drugs and millions) - where else could this come from, there is though another possibility of the source of money.. ahem some senators and some congressmen and some local politicians..
That is why, don't just view this as a mere comparison to the Zamboanga siege, else you will fill into the yellow trap.
That's were they are good at, making memes, pay the media, earn billions from taxpayers money.
8. That ISIS is involved in this war? This war is now part of a bigger war against terrorism. Terrorism has no face. It could be your neighbor whom you've known for several years.
Marawi is terrorism. .... Zamboanga was MNLF insurgency.
This probably is one of the biggest comparison there is.
We are now on the edge of making it international that we are dipping our hands into fighting terrorism.
Last time I checked, Mindanao had been bombarded by these terrorist several times, but never did Pnoy mentioned the word terrorism.
It could be just a PR stunt cooked up by his ignorant elite PR team, or he could be simply that clueless of what is actually happening in Mindanao.
The last time I checked there was no other President who gave more for Mindanao.