Retaking the IELTS or OET?
You do not need to review all the skills.
Let us help you focus on the area that you need to improve on and get a better score this time around.
"Create Your Own Package" for as low as 1,000PHP.
How does it work? Here's a sample.
You may choose from any of these:
Lecture- (1hr/session) 500Php (Any skill)
Coaching- (30mins/session) 250PHP (Writing or Speaking)
Strategy Reinforcement (1hr/session) 500PHP (Any skill)
For example, if you decide to have coaching sessions only, then that would be a minimum of 4 sessions.
4 coaching sessions x 250PHP = 1,000PHP
We have available spots for both IELTS and OET. We'd be happy to become your review partner and share our strategy based approach.
First Strategy-Based Online IELTS/OET Review Center -
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