Good day!
Just sharing this part time offer here.
We're looking for part-timers/home-based people to join our SEO team, and we're hoping we can find some talented cebuanos.
Content Writers
- You can earn around $70-$150 per week. (Since this is a part-time offer, income is output based and you can even earn more if you put in more hours)
- Must be good in communication and written english (US and/or UK)
- Does not plagiarize
- Specify your experience in writing when you apply (Newbies are fine, as long as you are serious)
Infographic Designers
- Part-timers/Entry level designers start with $25 per output (per piece)
- Knows their way around Adobe Illustrator
- Creates their own graphics (not just grab stuff online, or use some online tool)
- Content, layout, theme will already be provided so all you really have to do is put them all together graphically
- All rights transferred for all approved/paid pieces
- Need to submit output in .jpg .png and .ai (editable file) and all linked files such as fonts, external images, etc.
Both these jobs are offered only to those who are serious about this, otherwise, please move along.
This has the potential to be a long-term job for those with good performance.
Forward all your inquires/application to Jake:
Just note that Kai from sent you.