I would like to ask for help on choosing an internet/data plan for use with mobile phones be it postpaid or prepaid.
What I will be using it is mainly for inter-communications like email, fb messenger, viber and the likes. Seldom will it be used for Internet browsing and the most least is with streaming.
Telecom signal strength is not that good when i go home, globe telecom is stronger here on our place, 2nd is Smart/Sun and would get those signal if i go outside the house
As you can see from this, I really don't need 'high' speed internet and data consumed for messenger/email/viber is too minimal also.
I am trying to find a 'solution/plan' be it pre/post-piad that is around 300php or less per month that can cater my needs.
to summarize, cheap postpaid/prepaid plan that is 300php or less that is for "always on" internet/data mainly for communications purposes.
If you are using prepaid/postpaid solutions/plans, what are those?, how much do you consume with data? or if you have anything to share, kindly post it here.
Thanks in advance.