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  1. #1

    Default STING- worst lyricists ever

    and you wonder why i can never listen to them....

    01 • STING
    Mountainous pomposity, cloying spirituality, ham-handed metaphors: He can do it all.

    It didn’t have to turn out this way. In the Police, Sting wore ripped T-shirts and wrote catchy new-wave songs about hookers. Sure, he name-dropped Nabokov in “Don’t Stand So Close to Me,” but he balanced it with the awesomely post-lingual “De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da.” But once publications labeled him “The Thinking Woman’s *** Symbol,” a low-watt lightbulb popped on in his head, illuminating the way toward a self-serious future. Sting would go on to rip off Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, St. Augustine’s Confessions … even Shakespeare.

    After the Police split, Sting pursued a second career liberating soccer moms from their “soul cages.” Jazz musicians were involved. A lute was purchased. Volvo bumper stickers were quoted (“If you love someone, set them free”). Surveying the Cold War, he found the West “conditioned to respond to all the threats/In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets.” His rage at Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet was so heated, he castigated the scoundrel in Spanish. Holy frijoles, was Sting mad!

    These searing insights befit a sociopolitical seer “cursed with X-ray vision”—and capable of doing folkloric parables about seventh sons and mystical fisherman and taking us on journeys from the battlefields of World War I to the ancient kingdoms of “the high Sahara.” But does Sting care? He doth not. He’s the King of Pain, kids. And no pain, no gain.

  2. #2

    Default Re: STING- worst lyricists ever

    Though I agree bout Sting being all over the place with his lyrics, but calling him the worst? C'mon that's a bit harsh.

  3. #3

    Default Re: STING- worst lyricists ever

    i think Stings lyrics goes to show na his music inclination is diverse if one can combine them then the guy definitely has talent.

  4. #4

    Default Re: STING- worst lyricists ever

    hes allready ranked no. 1 on the top 40 worst lyricist. he can make catchy tunes but not write good lyrics.

  5. #5

    Default Re: STING- worst lyricists ever

    and you actually believe that? hahaha...... i could right 100 reasons Bob Dylan cant right a song and post it in, and would you also believe that?

    hahaha cant believe you buy that one

  6. #6

    Default Re: STING- worst lyricists ever

    Quote Originally Posted by rata
    and you actually believe that? hahaha...... i could right 100 reasons Bob Dylan cant right a song and post it in, and would you also believe that?

    hahaha cant believe you buy that one
    took words right out of my mouth =op

  7. #7

    Default Re: STING- worst lyricists ever

    well, imho, sting is hell lot better than mr. lito camo.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Blog Entries

    Default Re: STING- worst lyricists ever

    hmmn yeah.. I did feel a bit weird 'bout his lyrics in "Englishman in New York"..
    But it had good musicality, so I guess that sort of ironed that odd one out.

  9. #9

    Default Re: STING- worst lyricists ever

    Wrapped around your finger
    The police

    You consider me the young apprentice
    Caught between the scylla and charybidis
    Hypnotized by you if I should linger
    Staring at the ring around your finger

    I have only come here seeking knowledge
    Things they wouldnt teach me of in college
    I can see the destiny you sold
    Turned into a shining band of gold

    Ill be wrapped around your finger
    Ill be wrapped around your finger

    Mephistopheles is not your name
    But I know what youre up to just the same
    I will listen hard to intuition
    And you will see it come to its fruition

    Ill be wrapped around your finger
    Ill be wrapped around your finger

    Devil and the deep blue sea behind me
    Vanish in the air youll never find me
    I will turn your flesh to alabaster
    Then you will find your servant is your master

    And youll be wrapped around my finger
    Youll be wrapped around your finger
    Youll be wrapped around your finger


    kabuhat mo anah?

  10. #10

    Default Re: STING- worst lyricists ever

    Obviously, his lyrics are not meant to be interpreted LITERALLY.
    People stopped complaining why Van Gohs paintings are a bit blurry when he got famous.. this is art for crying-out-loud!

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