Hi, I am looking to work closely with a personal virtual assistant who can help me with my online business.

All the work is done online so you can work from home.

Training will be provided however ideal candidates will have the following skills.

- Facebook: experience in FB groups, FB pages and posting from automation software such as Hootsuite or Postplanner (Required)
- Blog posting, transcription and good writing skills (Required)
- Email customer support experience (Preferred)
- Experience using Fiverr, Canva or some graphic/image touch up work (Preferred)
- Online Research Experience finding solid content (Preferred)

Additionally - a person who has experience and can self manage these activities without too much support. Someone who can work fast and deliver quick results will be warmly welcomed. Training will be provided.

Pay (flat) - $5 USD per hour

Working hours (flexible) - Initially 1 hour per day for 7 days to see if we are a good fit.
If all is good then scope of work may increase and additional hours agreed upon depending on candidates availability and timing.

If you're interested please send your profile and portfolio to john.cho2@gmail.com.

Thank You