View Poll Results: If you have a choice, would you rather lift the posting ban against newbies at BSTC section?

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  • No, the ban should continue to minimize bogus transactions initiated by newbies. Newbies often are poor dealers/buyers because they don't have reputation to protect.

    2 22.22%
  • Yes, lift the ban to attract more visitors. BSTC is a HOT section. The more visitors, the better for everyone. Let the persons transacting with newbie calculate the risk for themselves.

    2 22.22%
  • No. Newbies does not have rights. They should do as they are dictated to do. They should wait until they become Junior members, or, they should avail of paid membership if they are in a hurry to post.

    1 11.11%
  • Yes. The ban does not serve any purpose. Rather, it causes more problems since newbies would often just insert their post in another's thread or every else.

    4 44.44%
  • The issue does not concern me.

    0 0%
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  1. #21
    Amahan ni Erlinda potterboy's Avatar
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    Nov 2002
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    Quote Originally Posted by vern
    Growth in numbers means nothing, the community which consists of everything else other than the Buy/Sell is what makes iSTORYA great, not those who just sign up and think they deserve something ... and perhaps never return. With time and participation comes trust, those who have been have gained a certain level of trust to transact in Buy/Sell.
    i like this reply. sooooo straight to the point. Sitewide Forum Rules
    Buy/Sell/Trade/Classifieds Forum Rules
    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.

  2. #22


    well well....

    para lang nako, iSTORYA is more than just talk, right.... so sa mga newbies, and if you think signing up because of BSTC, sorry but is not for you... sorry regimen....

  3. #23



    FYI, I'm not a moderator in this forum. I'm just another forumer who enjoys browsing and posting in Istorya and gained many friends through this site.

    Regarding the topic and your concern about the reason why are newbies are disallowed to post in the Buy and Sell thread, some mods have already answered that, it's to prevent some bogus sellers/buyers in Istorya and to prevent flooding in the BSTC and create balance in the site. As Pnoize2k7 said, this is a community, an online community and not a classified ads site. If newbies are allowed to post immediately in the BSTC, a lot of newbies will be flooding the section and take note that there are a lot of newbies who just post once and leave it, that's what happened to a lot of other sites. The essence and purpose of Istorya will be lost for that matter. It's for the good of the site itself.

  4. #24


    thanks to all who replied... actually i quite got the point already.

    Right now, can't wait to become a "junior member"!
    TNX TO ALL!!

  5. #25


    u can avail the paid membership... if u are in a hurry to post BSTC... anyway, u can still post para maka-abot ka og 30.

  6. #26


    Quote Originally Posted by regimen
    When a newbie enter into a transaction, he is the inherent underdog. He has less bargaining power compare to regular istoryan. istoryan buyers/sellers know that dealing with them involves higher risk, so they would rather not deal with them. Newbie is naturally disadvantaged... and there is a bigger chance of him becoming a victim of fraud than him committing fraud.

    And by the way, has anyone notice this: (seriously, i think this is a problem that requires more attention)

    Post by a Senior member: "Selling my laptop for P10T!! buy na mo!! murang mura!"

    Reply by a newbie somewhere down the thread: "Oi ako sad naa laptop!! P9.5T ra... SAME SPECS!!"

    Senior member: "BASTOS MAN KA BAI!! AYAW PAMARAW!!"

    (Obviously this happens because newbies does not have right to start a new thread, but has a right to post reply to another's thread.)

    I think the best way to prevent the proliferation of bogus buyers/dealers is to develop a system where the buyer/dealer earns points (reputation) after considering certain factors, like..

    1. number of successfully closed of deals;
    2. feedbacks from other istoryans;
    3. willingness to disclosed personal details for verification;
    4. regular membership;
    5. contribution to the general well-being of the istoryan community;

    or even trivial things like

    a. number of hours signed in;
    b. number of posts;
    c. or, practically anything that could help the other transacting party to assess the risk involved in the transaction.

    I just really don't see the rationale.

    ... by the way, that's what we call " thread crapping"; newbies inserting their for sale goods in an already existing topic. And do not worry, those newbies caught are INSTANTLY BANNED.

    .. and as far as that dictatorship is concern, yes, we are dictators. Newbies, Juniors, Senior, or even premuim members are all subject to the dictatorship. The second you click YES, I AGREE, that means you've read and understood the rules and the minute you break them....oh well, use your imagination and think of another username coz for sure you'll get banned.

    .. lastly, welcome to the dictatoship that is, hehehe.

  7. #27


    up up..

    Quote Originally Posted by fingolfin

    ... by the way, that's what we call " thread crapping"; newbies inserting their for sale goods in an already existing topic. And do not worry, those newbies caught are INSTANTLY BANNED.
    thanks fingolfin for the warm welcom... i truly enjoyed this site, that is even before i can post my first thread in the BSTC! istorya is just great!

    Anyhow, i don't think i should drop the point i raised in this thread. Right now, i am a little more convinced that banning newbies from BSTC may have in fact failed to accomplish its desired purpose. You see, as i roamed the site, i see lot of newbies doing "thread crapping" as you call it, or doing a commercial post. It's really odd that newbies can do that in the lounge or entertainment section, but not in BSTC.

    Now, if as fingolfin said, that newbies caught are INSTANTLY BANNED... then that's what i was saying "driving them away"...

    Is that the real rationale in stripping newbies of posting right at BSTC section? of course that could not be it.

    All I am saying is that there must be a better and more effective way to deal with the issue. Maybe it's time to sit down on this rule again. hmmm...

  8.    Advertisement

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