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  1. #111

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Interesting topic, challenging arguments, go on please.

  2. #112

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by tingkagol
    Quote Originally Posted by n'gel
    It's all God's plan, not man's freewill. You see, before Judas ever sold Jesus to the Pharisees, Jesus already knew about it and revealed it to the 12 disciples during the last supper.
    I thought you said God is not "all-knowing"?
    Did you read the part where I said it happened for a reason... and I say now as planned in my first reply? The fulfillment of the birth and death of Christ was of divine intervention. It was God's plan. Jesus knew about his death, about the treachery of Judas, about Peter's denial of him.

    Contrary to common belief that God has already a predefined life for each of us, I don't think that's true. We drive our own wheel. But the birth and death of Christ was predefined to make way for man to truly believe there is a God most powerful.

    I think I misled you... I mentioned about events in the Bible where God intervened in effort to provide man the right way towards righteousness and belief in Him. Sending his only begotten son was one of his divine interventions. Like previous events Noah, Moses, Soddom and Gommorrha, etc.

    In the new testament God only intervened once. Only in Christ. After his death God's effort to bring man closer to him has been fulfilled. Jesus did miracles in His name, he spoke the good news, He gave man the Holy Spirit, that despite he's already in heaven, man can call the Holy Spirit and witness God's power, Jesus disciples struggled to keep his word, they struggled to build His church. And thus now we have Christianity. This...
    is what Jesus mission was. And it was fulfilled after His death that's why he had to die.

    r/brey: I am at peace with my faith, my miracles and answered prayers I don't need to discuss with athiests. There is no room for the likes of you, to grasp and understand our faith, so I believe there's really no need, or it could just be a waste of time. I hold them very special to me that I leave them at that and not use them to convince other people otherwise of their disbeliefs.

    One thing I know here is that everytime there's a thread about God, even if it only calls for Christians and believers, Atheists always seem to discredit every discussion.

    Nangutana ba diay about the validity of Jesus birth and death? Pataka lang gyud ni sabat mga atheists uy. Himo mo inyong thread para adto ta debate. Haha reminds me of a once thread I forgot where it was, about favorite biblical verses. You know guys what happened? nahimong debate about the bible. Hap gyud!

    Sa hamubonng sulti... pataka lang ug sabat.

    And dong r/brey, yaw ikaulaw ang bisaya dong. Ayaw i-confine inyong language diri ug english kay dili na atoang linguahe. Baya baya. Amerikanismo! Nana mi diri mag binisaya man gani mi kamo pa kaha diha? tehe...

  3. #113

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by r/brey

    the question is, did jesus really exist?
    Paghimo imoha thread dong.

  4. #114

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    i was an agnostic for 8 years and a member of OBL (satanist) for a year prior to being an agnostic... to make things clear atheism is different from satanism. atheism is not believing in any omnipotent being while satanism is worshipping lucifer as a deity (and not necessarily the devil). agnostics are people who are indifferent (we dont care if god exist or doesn't exist)

    anyway, i'm a christian (in a very "un-traditional" way. i still think that the vatican sucks at the same time the catholic church as a system sucks) now... since last year november. we just can't deny the fact that within us there is something that yearn for an explanation and search for the divine. i just accepted that fact... besides it doesn't hurt if you have faith (it's for free so long as u dont give money to the church). and to stick with the topic i believe jesus died as a form of sacrifice to purge us of our sins. he died to save mankind... how? it's simple... if he stayed longer the effect of mystery will eventually fade... can u imagine a god who died of natural causes? if he lived longer and died naturally christianity will not be the biggest religion in the world...

    my 2 cents.

  5. #115

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Hahaha.... makes sense to me shoeless... Unique imagination.

  6. #116

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    yeah... humans are so fascinated with death and we tend to attach a mystery on it (why is our holiest icon the saddest day of jesus? we pray and kiss the friggin CROSS where our god met his doom and suffered hellish pains! it's crazy). let's just say jesus went out with a bang... that's the only way to go if you wanna be remembered

  7. #117

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Quote Originally Posted by shoeless_rebel
    (why is our holiest icon the saddest day of jesus? we pray and kiss the friggin CROSS where our god met his doom and suffered hellish pains! it's crazy).
    Bai, the CROSS symbolizes love and salvation for Christians and not doom . WHy would God allow HIS Son to meet His doom when He ( Jesus ) is a GOD Himself .... though we interpret it as doom because of the pain , suffering and death .... God provided it for us to realize it deeper than that .
    " A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. " - 2nd Amendment , Bill of Rights of the United States of America

  8. #118

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    i thought somebody's going to say that...

    u'r ryt springfield but i have a different outlook... i usually associate the cross to suffering. i just can't stand looking at the cross and the imoage of christ all bloodied up. it's so morbid...

  9. #119

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    Jesus had to die, because in the first place God the father said in the old testament that the wages of sin is DEATH, if you look through the torah or which is called the law of moses it clearly states there that AN EYE FOR AN EYE A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.

    God the father could not undo the rule that he made thats why he sent Jesus Christ his only son to die on the cross and save the sins of all the people. Basically making a new law that sins can be forgiven through christ our lord jesus.

  10. #120

    Default Why did Jesus HAVE to die?

    i c... interesting.

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