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  1. #1

    Post Defensive Driving

    On the Defense
    The Freeman
    Motoring Section - OVERSTEER - May 09, 2016

    Driving in the Philippines actually takes defensive driving to a whole new level. When you’re on the road, every moving object out there seems to be out to get you. Defensive driving might sound like an alien concept to most ignorant drivers, perhaps those who "bought" their way to a license, but it's a must learn and a must do. After all, keeping our roads safe starts with oneself. Right?

    Let me outline a few defensive driving habits that are worth practicing here on our roads.

    - Be Level Headed. Now, this doesn’t mean you should be a pushover on the road or drive super slow (we will get to that part later). But understand that you are not there to enforce all the traffic laws. Let the proper authorities take care of that. Blocking somebody doing an illegal U-turn, going head on against a counter-flowing vehicle or honking non-stop at an illegally stopped car is not going to make your day any better or safer. And if you encounter an equally aggressive driver that doesn’t like a bruised ego, your day can progressively get worse. So, tone down that urge to make everything right. Being level headed is the key, especially if you’re at the helm of a 1000+ kg moving piece of metal.

    - Stay Alert and Focused. Being distracted while driving is actually one thing that most people don’t notice. Driving might be a chore for some, and they might do some other things to keep them occupied and entertained. But this is a big no-no if you want to drive defensively. Every second of reaction time counts. So put down that cellphone. Stop putting on make-up. That Facebook status can wait. No selfies. No eating. And the list goes on and on. I know most of you are guilty of this. I know I am.

    - Be Predictable. The road is a very unpredictable place. Don’t add to the chaos. Being predictable means going with the traffic flow. This helps other drivers adjust to your driving style. And vice versa. So that means no constant changing of lanes, no sudden stops and no overly fast OR SLOW driving. One popular misconception I like to point out is that the slower you drive, the safer you are. While this may generally be true in a sense, we should remember that we are not the only ones using the road. Driving TOO slow makes you unpredictable on the road and makes you stick out like a sore thumb. As one Japanese proverb put it “A nail that sticks out will be hammered.”

    - Be Visible. This not only applies to motorcycles but to cars as well. Don’t hide in a driver’s blind spot only to jump out at the last minute. Let yourself be seen by other motorists. If they can’t see you, they can’t avoid you.

    - Pretend That Everybody Doesn’t Know How to Drive. The keyword here is PRETEND. (see rule number 1) Remember the time when you were following a car with a “Caution Driving School” signage on the back? Remember how you kept safe distance between your cars? Remember how you made sure the other guy saw you first before you overtook it? Remember how you were patient with the other guy because you knew he was still learning how to drive? Well… do that with everybody on the road.

    - Don’t be a Jerk. This is the most profound rule that I can come up with in driving especially here in the Philippines. Yes, I agree that most drivers here are jerks. Don’t add to it. This means not speeding up when somebody signals a lane change. Don’t block the intersection even if you know that traffic on your side is backed up a long way. Don’t hog the road by driving in the middle of the broken white line (I call this railroad driving). Don’t stop in the middle of the road to talk to a friend. Don’t counter-flow. Essentially, don’t inconvenience others for your own convenience.

    Hopefully following these simple tips on defensive driving in the Philippine setting can help you make your travels safer and less stressful. Remember that changing how people drive in our country starts with us. Be the change.

  2. #2
    mao gyud, defensive driving gyud ta pirmi diri...

  3. #3

    ug ayawg yatak sa pedestrian lane sa stop light which most motorcycle driver will do

  4. #4

  5. #5
    I agree to this post.

    On the last part - Don’t be a Jerk, nag experiment jud ko ani. I normally use signal lights when changing lanes and doing u-turns. And mostly maka lagot kaayo kay kung kanus.a ka mo signal, diha jud mo sutoy para maka una ang mga kagwang. Bosinahan pa ka og maayo. Then I tried driving without using signal lights, BOOM! Smooth as silk ang dagan. Wala pay mo bosina.

    This also applies to passing pedestrians. Hapit ko kaligis og taw kay while nag atras ko, naa man nuOn taw ni dali2x og lusot sa dihang duOL na ko sa bongbong.

  6. #6
    Mau nay problema aning nasura wa disiplina, way mo give way, taas garbo.

  7. #7
    All of the above are 100% TRUE!. While I may add, my father-in-law always constantly tell me while I'm driving my wife to her work...


    and To quote sad sa akong TL, ___ (my name)___ walay na accidente nga nagdali, slow and steady lang... Driving is journey you should savor, not a destination. kadaghanan sa nagdali mao nay ma accidente... HASTE MAKES WASTE.

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