6:30 pm Liloan port , Santander
7:30 night trip to Dumaguete
8:30 Dinner at Gabby's Bistro
9:30 Check in sa Pension house
8:30 Morning trip to Siquijor (Aleson Shipping , 100/head)
10 am - touchdown Siquijor
proceeded to motorcycle rental area then straight to San Juan. Tuyok going to Lazi -Maria then Check in sa Hotel Agripino sa Salagdoong Beach.
12 noon - lunch sa Beach
12 - 2:30 pm - rest
3 pm - Cambugahay falls (stayed there for 45 minutes then diretso to Old enchanted Balete tree , there we had snacks)
5pm - headed to Cantabon Cave
7:30- dinner at Siquijor , sa port area then mga 9:30 we arrived sa hotel .
we took the 8 am trip back to Dumaguete (Jaylan fastcraft)