i forgot bro..only ang floppy ang i-detect sa removable device..mao na ako prob run bro..d nya i-detect ako external cdrom..paita
i forgot bro..only ang floppy ang i-detect sa removable device..mao na ako prob run bro..d nya i-detect ako external cdrom..paita
itaud na lang na sa laing laptop imo HDD then the OS alng sa ang iinstall. then pagtaud nimo balik sa imo unit jud then install the drivers...![]()
remove your hdd from your laptop. put it on another computer. copy the entire i386 folder from a winxp disc. then have a bootable dos disk and run smartdrive. then run winnt.exe to start the installation.
If your mobo supports this network boot then it will boot but the question is, is your mobo supports network boot?
So I think the only solution with your problem is go ahead and borrow an external CD-ROM.
there is a network boot in my BIOS but i duno how to set up bro..pls help tanx
bro your problem not so ease, just bought new cdrom to install your fresh xp..not only fresh xp you need to install but also the driver of course....
So here's the guide how to install Windows over network. Hope this help.
An over the network install, eliminates the need for a CD ROM and/or a floppy drive in your computer. It will also allow you to install several copies of XP simultaneously on different computers. Before starting, copy the i386 directory from your hard drive to a network server and share the directory.
Start the installation by booting with a floppy disk with network support. Details here.
Note: You must have smartdrv.exe running on this disk or installation times will be staggering.
Map a drive to your network share by typing NET USE X: \\COMPUTERNAME\SHARENAME replacing 'computername' with the NetBIOS name of your computer and 'sharename' with the name that you shared the i386 as.
Switch to your network and type the following at the command prompt: X:\i386\winnt replacing "X" with your actual drive letter.
The installation will start.
On the next screen you will be prompted for the location of you installation files. Type in X:\i386 replacing "X" with your actual drive letter. You can bypass this screen by using the following syntax when starting your installation from the command prompt.
X:\i386\winnt /s:X:\i386. The /S switch defines the location of the startup files.
Setup will modify the master board record, changing the required startup files to NTLDR, BOOT.INI and NTDETECT.COM. It will then copy the setup files to temporary folders on your hard drive. The folder's names are:
$WIN_NT$.~BT and $WIN_NT$.~LS When the file copy is completed you'll see the first screen.
The remaining steps are identical no matter how you started the installation. Remaining steps.
Note: You will not be able to delete your C partition if you did not boot from CD or boot from floppy.
[img width=500 height=276]http://www.networkcert.net/images/start.gif[/img]
Source --> HERE
nice one shengton...![]()
wow nice one shengton , wa pa jud ko kasuway install from network kay wa ko kita ug tutorial. musuway nya ko ana sometime... hehe
ako idea ra kay tangtangon nimo ang hdd sa laptop then itaod nimo sa imong mobile hd na case then format nimo w/ system files. then butangan nimo ug installer
after ana ibalik sa laptop then install
Thanks guys!...In that case you're just wasting your time...hehehe...Actually I never tried this network installing but I'll gonna try this later. It's so interesting installing an Operating System over the network.Originally Posted by hotviper
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