Originally Posted by
hahaha no one is expecting a 100% help, of course, pls use your common sense. Also pls use your common sense of what really happened after yolanda and that lip service from panot, the delayed help from the government. If you only know what happened in Leyte after Yolanda, if taga leyte ka you will understand. There is no doubt ni action sila, but the question is: were those even enough? Heard the news on rotten donations? Poor housing plan for relocated/homeless people? Heck even red cross did a pretty good job compared to the government. You really keeping a closed eyes while commenting on my reply to you. Wake up.
im awake you know.

if you will be the roxas in person , do you think you can do it in one day??or in very short time.im from samar.im also a victim of super typhoon. but i try to understand that the government is doing on their best. we received relief s, housing materials , and monetary to build up a new houses. i understand that our house before typhoon will not the same as after the typhoon. as long as we are survivor, and i see in my eyes the improvement of damage infrastractures in our locality. more schools have been rising so far and still counting. people got jobs.

i think the government help us.
there are 7 provinces which have been hit bad by super typhoon and i understand the situation.