hello to all,
I would like to apologize..., I somewhat started this thread which sparked some ideas from some other threads here and I have not updated it for a bit
I have currently resigned from work and I can't venture to some places as I'm currently in the province (Toledo).
as other istoryans suggested 'eat-na-mi' as a sort of venue..., I would like to inquire to the site personally instead of calling them, but I cant due to financial things as I don't have work
the reason that I don't like to call them is that it seems in-appropriate..., going there personally to inquire seems the best way since it will give the 'impression' of being "interested"...
I really wish I can help out but I can't for the meantime (until I get a new job perhaps)
once again, my apologies, cant help for the meantime...
hope that someone would be able to continue this one