hala yatap!!!
were just explaning all sides sir sorry for that
with all due respect sir diem..actualy mao mn topic sirgipacommnet me about her relationship with a priest..[br]Posted on: October 03, 2007, 05:09:14 PM_________________________________________________w hat can you say to a girl who has sexual relationship with 6 men including a priest? can she be trusted? can you consider her immoral? would you take risk to have a serious relationship with her?
actually diem u miss the point. we are discussing bcoz we believe that turning away from the problem is not a good solution
sir diem pardon us if u found some holes in our dscussions...
but i know that were on track of our topic..
pwd na padaun sir diem??tnx troy...
why man j??
thanx for what??
[color=navy]Just keep on-topic. Think of it as a friendly reminder.
So what's the deal eh esboss? Seems to be from your latest posts that you no longer want to be involved with Miss R and yet you want to convince her press charges against the priest. Why? Do you plan to stand by her and assist her through this trial?
If you do not want to be wish to have a relationship with her because of her seemingly immoral attitude then why be concerned with her, why pity her?
Unless she is the one asking you for your help, I see no reason for you to remain with her, having decided it for yourself.
Besides her relationship with the priest and what she does about it is her business. I do not see why you have to involved when you have agreed with everyone that Ms R seems to be a hopeless cause.
And about the priest and his irresponsible behavior, that's already off-topic.
Just talk about the girl, her actions and how you feel about her, esboss. Though personally, I find that you are judging her too much to not care at all.
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hehehehe wa xa plan to press charjes kay lisod..[br]Posted on: October 03, 2007, 05:26:20 PM_________________________________________________s o wat now bossssOriginally Posted by diem
dont know..lets ask the happy trigger diem. parang galit sa mundo.
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