Here's the thing. My computer just recently like died or of some sort. I have tried every possible move that I can think of just to isolate the problem(well not every move since limited ra ako resouces).
It all starts when my computer didn't detect detect my gpu driver saying something like the gpu driver has been block or not responding (I don't know I forgot) then my system freezes. So I restarted the machine via the restart buttong, then the computer started to BSOD loop. I thought it was O.S was acting up, so I tried fixing it (haven't done a reformat here for the record), I tried image recovery, system restore or any possible solutions windows 8 has to offer, but no success. Then I decided to format, after the format everything seemed to be working and I was installing the needed drivers, not until I restarted the machine, then BAM! The machine is saying "Diagnosing disk errors and all that crap windows is saying....attempting to repair....failed to repair...blah blah..." then BSOD again...Then I format it again, then some crap happened, stating some error that I wasn't able to format the drive...
I tried to isolate the problem. To check whether the mobo is fine(still not sure it is fine though). I remove the GPU, One(1) Memory Stick, the SSD and the ODD(just to make sure nothing else is plugged in). It turns on with display. Not 100% sure the mobo is okay, but I can say the least that will be the last one in the list.
I can only think of the 3 culprits..Mobo,SSD and PSU...
I forgot am I suppose to hear One beep during power on?
Need your help on this matter guys.
And here I am thinking of buying or upgrading to a new system, and the machine just had to