itodo mo na yan pre
SSD to cooling
Please check daw if ok na ni ako i butang nga components
Proce: I7-4770
Mobo: i dont know if H87,Z87 or Z97 kind please help here
Memory: Hyper Fury 16GB 1866MHz
VC: GTX 970 please help me sa brand gamiton MSI / ASUS or ZOTAC ?
Monitor: 24 or 27 ?
27" kung AutoCadd ang gamit. Puno na sa 'komands' ang kilid ug ang You will end using 24" out of 27" monitor with Autocadd 'command' palets. 24" too small for AutoCadd.
Z series mobo meant for overclocking and support SLI/Xfire while H series does not. H series is enough for don't need I7 either unless you plan to do some serious gaming at work
edoy is right.....da kicker is annual subscription, labi pa "enterprise"BUT it's deductible as 'business expense" provided it's legit.
Last edited by Jess_V; 06-27-2015 at 12:56 AM.
CAD loves good cores and memory. I built a workstation rig for landscaping and architecture and its got good xref performance. I recommend an Intel Xeon E3 1231.
@ TS, just for you to bench mark... had DIY this rig ang gave it to my bro for his AutoCAD workloads. its a desktop based workstation...
cpu: i7-3770 (non-K)... bought 2nd hand diri's istorya
cpu cooling system: Corsair H50 w/ push n' pull fans from Antec Khuler H20 920... this is my extra. para pud magamit...
mem: 8 GB DDR3 1600 MHz (2 x 4 GB)
mobo: Asus H61 based chip set mobo... one of my extra mobo
gpu: Onda HD 7770 GH Hz Edtion 2 GB DDR5 vram... kani ra akoang gamit kay extra ni nko. para magamit pud ang GPU
hdd: 750 GB 2.5" 7200 rpm Hitachi mobile hdd
psu: Delux 600 W
chassis: Vision m-ATX (cube)
tried my celeron G530 i5-3470 & i5-2550K (running @ stock on his mobo) and compared it w/ the i7-3770 on the work load, had used my bros file.
> in 2D drafting (autoCAD 2014), wla'y difference ang tulo ka CPU based sa akoang experience. the cheapest G530 is of the same caliber in 2D drafting compared to its upper siblings. it is just as snappy as its big bros. kun mag benchmark ta, diri makita ang performance difference. sa actual, dili gyd ta maka bantay... gawas mag regenerate sa whole drawing... ang gi mention sa autoCAD (refer to the link below) kay tinuod gyud ni. maka bantay gyud ta on the performance difference... not just the benchmark software... gamit pud ang speed sa GPU inig regenerate sa whole 2D drawing w/in the work space...
> in 3D rendering (autoCAD 2014), hubakon ang G530 (ma abtan ug syam2x), fast enough ang both i5s... but, fastest is the i7 (for 3D rendering using AutoCAD, the more the available CPU cores either physical or hyperthreading, the better). wala lang ko maka gamit sa GTX 670 & R9 270x Hawk GPUs para unta to ma compare pud unta ang performance sa rig gamit ang lain GPUs... gitapol ko... ahahaha...
monitor diay gamit sa rig kay 27"... currently, naka dual ni sya but dlli balance ang monitor size... naka 27" (main monitor) & 24" ang rig... planned to add another 27" para ma ilisan ang 24"... para sa akoa, swak ang 27" size monitor for CAD works...
if naa'y time, i'll check the rig's performance on a Xeon E3-1230V2. makuha man ni nko ron na day ang CPU. ang time lang namo (ako ug akoang bro) for testing ang wla... hehehehe... i'll bring the Xeon back in Shanghai inig balik nko did2. wla na gyu'y chance na ma test ni nko sya sa rig sa akoang bro...
naa man ning duha ka rigs nila sa balay Pentium G2130 w/ GT 640 2GB vram and Pentium G840 w/ GTX 650 2GB vram both rigs, naka 8GB system mem... as feedback sa akoang bro, on autoCAD 2D, ok ra gyud kuno kaayo. inig 3D rendering nya, ang duha ka rigs kay hubakon pud... hehehe...
here's an input from AutoDesk about CPU cores for AutoCAD app...
Support for multi-core processors with AutoCAD | AutoCAD | Autodesk Knowledge Network
Last edited by lloyd_joy; 06-27-2015 at 06:11 AM.
Ok noted sir thanks for the advice 27" it is then. I think its Legit kai naa man sa US ni palit ug license as to what the client says. I am just to prepare the computer needed for it to run ^_^
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Noted sir thanks
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Noted sir loyd. Salamat jud kaau sa mga info neede ^_^. I will have to ask if they will be using 3D Rendering. But i think they will. Dungog lage ko nga ang autocad 2015 software is around 250k. so with a PC nga 60-70k budget wala problema nila kai software palang gani daan invest na sila samot na tingali sa ila gamiton hehe So any GTX 970 will do ? or there is a specific brand nga nindot jud kaau ?
yes, the GTX 970 is more than enough... ang old version ra sa AutoCAD ang maka utilize sa benefits sa workstation GPU like the Nvidia Quadro... naa man special driver para ani man gud. mga newer releases sa AutoCAD, DirectX API naman ang gamit nila so, maka gamit na gyud ta'g desktop or gaming GPUs... not for other CAD apps like the AutoDesk Inventory and other, workstation GPUs pa gyud ni sila... naa gyud lakahi-an ni sila (gaming GPU & professional GPUs) sa AutoCAD but not a pronounced difference as on the old autoCAD versions...
for businesses (registered companies), sakto gyud na legit ang gamiton. kun freelancer lang na underground business, not registered sa DTI, usual ani, jack sparrow version ra man ang gamiton kay dili ta maka afford anang cost sa legit apps... mao ni ang reality. dili mag hypocrito aning mga apps na mahal na naka install sa atoang mga PC na gi gamit nato's atoang mga balay... even Win O/S gani, daghan gamit ug dili legit na copy labi na home ug Piso2x...
autocadd recommendation; these cards have drivers available from Autodesk that includes maya interface.
Autodesk - Certified Hardware
Last edited by Jess_V; 07-02-2015 at 09:40 AM.
regarding sa monitor, dre sa opis walay nka single monitor namo mga 3D CAD boys. tanan nka dual 23". kay ngano? while ga model ka sa CAD there is always another document/PLM/ specification sheets/etc na imo e open. dili enough ang one big monitor kay magsapaw sapaw ang window hasol alt tab. kun duha ka monitor, cad sa left other docs sa right. usahay cad sa right istorya sa left hahaha
amo gamit dre is xeon x5650+quadro fx3800+12gb RAM, abli murag kilat ang 1000+ ka parts na assembly. kun mada sa imo budget brad go for xeon kun di madala, katong mo palit sa autocad suite maoy papalita ug procie! haha
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