I have question for you @TS.
1. Is this for gaming purposes? Do you play heavy games like BF4, AC Unity, Witcher 3, Shadow of Mordor, etc.?
- Getting an Intel "i7" is just too much if you play those games like i mentioned above.
- Getting an i7-4790k and an H81 mobo (sayang2 lang kas imong kwarta, nindot imong CPU, low end imong mobo, but sadly you can't overclock your CPU even if it's a "K" since it's an "H" chipset mobo).
- I'd better recommend i5-4690 and an H87/97 motherboard (if you're not planning to overclock your CPU), and spend the extra cash to other peripherals.
- GTX 980 Ti is there (so better add some cash of getting it, you'll get a slightly similar performance to Titan X, instead of getting the 980)
- If you can afford getting an i7 and a GTX 980, then you should be able to afford if getting a nice mobo (but i think there's no really point on getting an i7- this is just nice to have, an i5 would be enough and would suffice your gayming need).
- INTEL i5-4690 (if not for overclocking, good choice)
- H97 MOBO (other choice would be a B85 mobo, for "gayming")
- GTX 980 Ti (take advantage of the latest offering)
- HDD 1TB (depends on the capacity you need)
- SSD 120GB (optional), if ma stretch ang budget, better get one
- PSU 600W (Get an 80+ true rated PSU, like Silverstone, Seasonic, SuperFlower, Corsair)
- CASE (Depends what you want, mostly for aesthetic purposes, airflow, size of the case, etc..)
Last edited by wylliexhan; 06-08-2015 at 04:54 AM.
for me, absolutely no.
Asus Z97 Deluxe angay nimo mobo ana... kung low end, it will be a disgrace to your build...
by the way, unsay monitor nimo? og unsa nga game imo duwaon sa imong GTX 980?
maryusep dia raman diay ni... ATM ra man diay ka, ilahos ng Maximus VII imo mobo para high end gyud ba...![]()
para sa akoa, wla ra ma'y "dako'g" down side ang low end mobo models then parisan ug high end GPU... kun mag duwa ta, maka distinguished bata's fps difference kun ECS H81 mobo vs ROG Maximus Formula VII ang atoang gamiton... granting, the same ang speed sa CPU & GPU? wala'y OC'ing... ug dili ta mo tan-aw sa sulod sa chassis...
I'll buy one GTX 980 kun naa'y maka distinguish then give me a "proof" as hard evidence (this is a must). an engineering data analysis is what i need... dili lang nang (tag-an)2x or feel2x... kay kaning "i can feel it", mura ta ani'g si Alice Dixon sa pahinumdum sa shampoo sauna... ang mga mature, maka hinumdum ani... bwahahaha... sorry mga batan-aon, wla pa mo sa ani na time... hehehe... bitaw, kun naa man gani fps difference, mga 2 ~ 3 fps ra or 5 fps... this is negligible atoang mata ug brain ani, dili maka bantay. ang benchmarking apps ra ang maka kita ani...
sa kani man gud "Low end and High End" components pairing, ang atoang pride ang ma igo ani... labi na, windowed ang chassis... ma uwaw mo post sa pics diri's Istorya Show me Your Rig thread kay kulatahon lang dayon ug negative comments...
pero, kun maka palit ta'g mahalon na GPU, why not go on an all-out spending on the other components as well, dba? synonymous ni's mo palit ug benz or bmw then mag open lang ug window... abi's uban, nag pa hambog na sya ang tag-iya... ang main reason diay, nag budget sa gasto's fuel... hehehehe... joke3x... example lang ni ha... kun naa'y na igo diri, pasaylo-a ko... example lang gyud ni akoang gi sulti diri...
Last edited by lloyd_joy; 06-08-2015 at 01:04 PM.
got my Biostar mobo too... it's a H61MLC to be exact and its running 24/7 since 2012... mapawong lang ni kun mo uli ko dha's atoa ug 2 weeks, pero, wla man gyud ko maka uli'g 2 weeks... pasabot, sige ni sya dagan except sa during its quarterly maintenance...
during the mid 90's, mas mo prefer pa ko's Biostar compare sa Asrock mobos tungod sa looks... and not on its functionality. pareha ra man sila'g functionality kun the same chip set lang... then years go by, nag ka mangtas ang eng'g sa Asrock (spin-off ni sila from Asus)... to site a concrete example, on Asrock technology, wla ko maka check sa uban mobo manufacturer ani. last month (May '15) mo palit unta ko'g isa pero, na erase ang plan kay ang Colorful H61 mini-ITX mobo ang akoang gi palit...
kani na mobo from Asrock, H61M/U3S3... natively, SATA 2 ra ang supported sa H61 chip set. pero, gi pun-an sa Asrock design & eng'g team ug SATA 3 compatibility... 2 SATA 3 ports were added... ang price nya sa JD mall diri kay 205 rmb ra... 1.5K php approx... nice unya kay barato then naa'y SATA 3 functionality... kun dili pang egat2x ang akoang rig, i'll gladly buy mobos that are inexpensive...
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