For every gun there is a trigger.
This thread is for competing scientific theories that triggered the big bang.
According to the theory of relativity. Energy can be converted to mass and vice versa. It is widely believed that the universe originated as a singularity of pure energy which expanded and became all matter and spacetime.
My question is how did such a singularity came to be? What could be a catalyst for such a massive amount of energy to collect into a single point and somehow become unstable and explode/expand?
These are competing theories that I find most convincing
-An old recycled universe which gravitationally collapsed to form a singularity
I really like this old theory, which means that before us, countless universes exsisted that were destroyed and were recycled into new universes through gravitational collapse. Widely disproved by scientists as it is calculated there is not enough gravity for such a collapse. Even if this were the true theory, there are still questions left unanswered, like "what process created the cyclical universe?".
-Collision of parallel dimensions which in theory creates massive amounts of energy at the junctures
I find the concept of parallel dimensions too outlandish at first, but somehow I think this is a very convincing catalyst for generating the energy needed to create all the mass we see today.
Post theories you like, and if possible tell us more about them. Debate is welcome. Kani, sugdan na nato ang ka labad sa ulo