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Ambot anang LTO. The rules that they are giving is said to be unconstitutional. Mainly, they are playing the Filipino people as stupid!! This is their fault, it is not our problem if delays are there. If mu ingon sila "Made pa sa gawas ang plates" Then, hasten it up. And not burden the people who just bought a car, and fine them. What they are doing is also very unethical... They are just playing it safe, if there is a problem there will always be a solution for it no matter hard it is.
Dili unta ang newly bought cars ang ilaha initan, because kbaw mana sila nga HINAY SILA. Mas ma una pa cguro abot ang bettle kaysa nila if lumba pa.So, dli nila initan kay 1) BRAND NEW GUD!!! ang ang inig gawas sa dealer naa nay plates, unless paspas pd sila...
Ang angay nila initan kanang auto nga 2013 pa or before pa ana until now wa pay klarong plate number!! And besides, if G.renew namn gani naay nay OR/CR kbaw sila way sticker ika hatag ilaha nanang sayup. Problema ani nila ron mga abnoy!! Puro Pabilib ning LTO. Maypang MMDA chief kasabot pa nga pataka raning LTO.
Mao lagi boss... nagkayagaw lagi kono daw sa toyota ingon akong amigo kai ilang mga customer nagcge na ug pangita asa na ilang plate. Perti lagi kono daw daghanang customer ahahahahaha. naa man sense ilang balaod bah pero dapat PASPAS pud unta cla motrabaho.