Hi mga bro ako kay drummer ko and I feel nindot ni sya na topic.
anyways here are my inputs sa kani na topic:
*RHYTHM!!! - "Better good rhythm than a bad lead" alot of musicians forget how crucial rhythm is jd ESPECIALLY in worship, people will feel good to worship when the music is in rhythm. One thing jd noh is to be mindful of everybody jd. ug to hinay2 sa pasikat2. Being a musician is hard work and sometimes when naa na ka sa stage mahype ka to impress people pero remember na ang church is worship not a rock show you can reserve imong mga pasikat elsewhere(sorry harsh ra au).
*COMMUNICATION - labi na og magsugod na ang praise and worship and sometimes naay mayabo importante jd na magcommunicate jd everybody from the leadsinger to the drummer
*Play in TIME- Especially for drummers, CRUCIAL jd na mukeep mo sa time kay its your main PRIORITY not fills but TIME. kung dli sakto inu tiiming ang feeling sa banda og sa mga taw kay makurat or eider mayaya basta Trust me even if dili kaau season ang mga tigtukar ninu or dli kbaw kaau ang kauban nimu nya drummer ka pero when u play it is going to feel and sound good when you play on TIME.
tip: tanaw mu ug movie na whiplash to understand this. Read pd ani for more info:
For Drummers: Using Click Tracks and Metronome in Worship | Loop Community Blog
--Mustruggle pjd ko ani so help me God--
*PRAY - I always pray before and even during playing, I am not perfect at this pero I always ask God for the guidance on when I play
*SPIRITUAL MENTOR - Really this helps you know where to go. helps you grow spiritually on and off when you play.
Practice routine:
*METRONOME - practice with this!! took me two years to get the hang of using one pero trust me this will help anyone drummer/bass/guitar/song leader
*COMMUNICATION - this is used when ur practicing with the whole team, let everybody have an input. nya make everybody feel fun! Have fun jd!
Music gears and sound system:
--Sa amo church limited ang gear like d kaau dghan ang monitors. sometimes ang mixing is off pero ang sa ako na learn og ganhan iimplement ani na area soon (Kay mamalit pa man mi) ang akong i.input below:
*TRIGGERS - dugay na ni sya nya I know some of you know this drum triggers make electronic sounds sa imo acoustic drums makes it more amplified. Ako ga save pa ko ug ganhan jd kaau ko mutry og gamit ani sa church para makuha jd namo ang sound pareho sa record.
*LOOPS - We havent tried this pd kay paliton pa namo pero basically its to record rhytmic loops or backing tracks na pde magpanindot sa sound ALSO this helps everybody work on their timing. Kadungog namog starfield? mostly kay nagamit na sila og loops og triggers.
*INVEST in GEAR - Akoa ni sya kay better gear man gd makes you feel better when playing plus SOUNDS really BETTER! Helps a lot jud kay ang feeling og ang sound sa imong gear is going to affect ur confidence when you play. Ako I bring my cymbals coz I love how they sound man (Zildj A new beats, magadd pa pd nya kog K og A custom kung makabudget) Also invest on Music lessons pd(kani pinakanindot jd if you love music) but dont over spend sad kung unsa lay kaya sa imo budget.
D bya jd ako ang the best na musician I have a lot to learn pajud. Ako giinput dri is thru experience og ako mga nalearn from mga payter kaau na musicians diri sa cebu na akong mga amigo og internet sad. In the end what matters ra jud kay imong Heart jd for worship (PINAKAIMPORTANT)

If you have the time attend nya mu sa Immanuel Fellowship sa ayala Cinema 4. worship ta ninu didto. I play the drums ddto. or sometimes I attend sa Victory jmall. I have talented friends there who play so kitakita nya ta worship all for the Glory of God!

Hope this helps a lot of aspiring musicians and worship teams in Cebu.
For Reference: Theres ds awesome blog about worship musicians tanawa nya ni ninu:
David Santistevan | Resources For Worship Leaders & Musicians God bless!