di ko ganahan mga subject nga makutaw ako utok sama sa:
physics, chemistry, calculus, programming, accounting, matiks matiks...and so on and so forth!
di ko ganahan mga subject nga makutaw ako utok sama sa:
physics, chemistry, calculus, programming, accounting, matiks matiks...and so on and so forth!
KiNeSiOlOgY such a pain in the ass!!!
i hate accounting!
taas kau oras kung mao na ni akong klase!
thank god, grad nako!
any math subject
IT subject sa TC specially if under Mdm. Peña.
english, basta lang hate lang nako siya na subject, labaw na ang technical writing...pero it plays a big role when you are in the real world. Gamit dyud kaayo, like writing emails to your boss, making a report, etc. and also for call center agents, it is a means of communication for their foreign clients...mao dont take english for granted, even if you are an engineer or mathematician you will still need it when you apply for work or even at work.
math subjects
wlay koy na hate nga subject na challenge lng ko labi na sa chemistry, physics, calculus nd english
i tried my best ato mao naka graduate ko
congrats bay!
i salute you...
Electromagnetics.. kanang pa compute-un ka ug kanang mga butang nga dili makit-an.
"Electric Field"
The electric field is a vector field with SI units of newtons per coulomb (N C−1) or, equivalently, volts per meter (V m−1). The direction of the field at a point is defined by the direction of the electric force exerted on a positive test charge placed at that point. The strength of the field is defined by the ratio of the electric force on a charge at a point to the magnitude of the charge placed at that point. Electric fields contain electrical energy with energy density proportional to the square of the field intensity. The electric field is to charge as acceleration is to mass and force density is to volume.
Karon ang dakong pangutana, unsay nawng kaha anang electric field?![]()
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