^^^ local unit = manufactured locally, released in phil.
Surplus like JDM(japan) USDM(US) ug uban pang mga DM diha korean ug europeans surplus meaning gikan silas other country after nila geh junk ilang mga sakyanan, ang mga parts gipang distribute dri, so a surplus unit WAS a foreign unit DISASSEMBLED and REASSEMBLED locally
well sa mga nag plan nga mo palit ug surplus diha NUMBER 1, KNOW YOUR DEALER, check for their QUALITY lang jud,
para nako i still prefer surplus, hehehe parts are WIDELY available
local unit are fine but remember, YOU ARE PAYMENT A BRANDNEW UNIT, in time it will depreciate, so lets say palit kag 1M nga car local unit, after 5 years, niabot ang POUL, and you want to get a new car, so most likely ma sell nlng nimo imung car aroung 400-600k depende sa imung pag maintain. Whereas in buying a surplus let's say Honda kay mao may pinaka common jud, buying it for arround 200k-280k, if tarongun pag maintain and again, FROM DEALERS CONVERTION QUALITY
nya you want to sell it, you can still sell it for roughly 150-230k,
every car has their own wear and tear jud, look for a surplus dealer nga di magbutang ug mga depektibong parts kay, there are some jud nga mga buangon pod para kunuhay magbalik2 kas ilaha paayu unya ingnun dayun ka nga "paliti lang new parts sir naa me dri tag kuan ra Pxx.xx" so makakwarta nasad sila tsskkk,,,